WI NHA State Exam Practice Review
Advanced Practice Nurse Prescriber - CORRECT ANSWER A person who has been granted a certificate to
issue prescriptino orders.
Authorized prescriber - CORRECT ANSWER A person licensed in this state to prescribe medications,
treatments, or rehabilitative therapies.
Department - CORRECT ANSWER Wisconsin Department of Health Services
Developmental Disability - CORRECT ANSWER Mental retardation or a related condtion, such as cerbral
palsy, epilepsy or autism, but excluding mental illness and infirmities of aging (which is manifested
before the ind. reaches age 22, likely to continue indeinitely, and results in substantial functiona
limitations in 3 or more of major life activities.
Major life activities include.... - CORRECT ANSWER self-care, understanding and use of language,
learning, mobility, self-direction, and capacity for indpendent living
Dietitian means... - CORRECT ANSWER a person who is certified under statues 448.78, licensed or
certified as a dietitian in another state.
Facility means... - CORRECT ANSWER a nursing home subject to the requirements of chapter DHS 132
Full Time means... - CORRECT ANSWER at least 37.5 hours each week devoted to facility business.
IMD means... - CORRECT ANSWER Institution for mental diseases-- a facility that meets the defention of
an institution for mental disesease under 42 CFR 435.1009
Intenstive skilled nursing care means... - CORRECT ANSWER care requiring specialized nrusng
assessment skills and the prformance of specific services and procedures taht are complex becasue of
the resident's condition or the type or number of procedures that are necessary
,Intensive skilled nursing care includes... - CORRECT ANSWER Direct patient observation or montioring or
perfomance of complex nursing proedures by registered nurses and licensed practial nurses on a
continuing basis, repeated application of complex nursing procedures or services every 24 hours, or
frequent montioring and documentaiton of the residnet's condition and response to theraputic
Intermediate care facility means... - CORRECT ANSWER a nursing home which is licensed by the
department as an intermediate care facility to provide intermediate nursing care.
Intermediate nursing care means... - CORRECT ANSWER basic care consisting of physical, emotion,
social, and other rehabilitative services under periodic medical supervision. This nursing care requires
the skill of an RN for oservaion and recording of reactions and symptoms, and for supervision of nursing
care. Most of the resident have long term illnesses or disabilities which may have reached a stable
plateau. Other indiviuals may require nursing care to maintain a stabality. Essential supportive
consultant services are provided
Involuntary administration of psychotropic medication includes any of the following... - CORRECT
ANSWER Placing psychotropic medications in and ind. food or drink with knowledge that the ind.
protests receipt of the psychotropic meds, forcibly restraining an ind. to enable administration of
psychotropic meds, requiring an ind. to take psychotropic medication as a condition of receiving
privleges or benefits.
License practical nurse means... - CORRECT ANSWER A person licensed as a licesend practical nurse
under ch. 441 stats.
Limited nursing care means... - CORRECT ANSWER Simple nrsing care procedures required by residents
with long term illnesses or disabilities in order to maintain stability and which can be provided safetly
only by or under the supervision of a person no less skilled than licensed practicual nurse who works
under he direction of an RN. Supervision of the physicial, emotional, social, and rehabilatative needs o
the resident is the responsibility of the appropriate health care provider serving under the direction of a
Neglect means... - CORRECT ANSWER does not include an act or acts of mere inefficiency, unsatisfactory
conduct or failure in good perormance as the result of inability, incapacity, inadvertency or ordinary
negligence in isolated instances, or good faith errors in judgement or discretion.
,Nurse means.... - CORRECT ANSWER a registered nurse or licensed practical nurse
Nurse practioner means... - CORRECT ANSWER a registered professional nurse wh meets the
requirements of DHS 105.20(1)
Nursing assistant means... - CORRECT ANSWER A person who is employed primarily to provide direct
care services to residents but is not registered or licensed under ch. 441 stats.
Pharmacist means... - CORRECT ANSWER A person registered as a pharmacist under ch. 450 stats.
Physician means.... - CORRECT ANSWER A person license to practice medicine or osteopathy under ch.
448 stats.
Physical therapist means.... - CORRECT ANSWER a person licensed to pracice physical therapy under ch.
448 stats.
Physician extender means... - CORRECT ANSWER A person who is a phsycian's assistant or a nurse
practioner acting under the general supervision and direction of a physician.
Physician's assistant means... - CORRECT ANSWER A person certified under ch. 448 stats. to perform as
a physician's assistant.
Practioner means... - CORRECT ANSWER a physician, dentist, podiatrist, or other person permitted by
Wisconsin law to distribute, dispense, and administer a controlled substance in the course of
professional practice.
Protest means... - CORRECT ANSWER Make more than one discernible negative respone, other than
mere silence, to the offer of, recommendation for, or other proffering of voluntarry receipt of
psychotropic medication. Protest does not mean a discernible negative response to a proposed method
of administration of the psychotropic medication.
Psychotropic medication means... - CORRECT ANSWER A precription drug defined in s. 450.01(20) stats.
that is used to treat or manage a psychiatric symptom or challenging behavior.
, Recuperative care means... - CORRECT ANSWER care anticiapted to be provided for a preiod of 90 days
or less for a resident whose physcian has certified that he or she is convalescin or recuperating from an
illness or a medical treatment.
Registered Nurse means... - CORRECT ANSWER A person who holds certification of registration as a
registered nurse under ch. 441 stats.
Resident means... - CORRECT ANSWER A person cared for or treated in any facility on a 24-hour basis
irrespective of how the person has been admitted to the facility.
Reispite Care means... - CORRECT ANSWER Care anticipated to be provided for a period of 28 days or
less for the purpose of temporarily relieving a family member or other caregiver from his or her daily
caregiving duties.
Short-Term Care means... - CORRECT ANSWER recuperative care or respite care
Skilled Nursing Facility means... - CORRECT ANSWER A nursing home which is licensed by the
department to provide skilled nursing services.
Skilled Nursing Services means... - CORRECT ANSWER Services furnished pursuant to a physcian's order
which require the skills of professional personnel such as RN/LPN, and are proivded either directly by or
under the supvision of these personnel.
For a service to be skilled, the following criteria should be used... - CORRECT ANSWER the service would
constitute a skilled service where the inherent complexity of a service prescribed fo a resident is such
that it can be safely and effectively performed only by or under the supervision of professional
personnel, and the restoration potential of a resident is not the deciding factor in determining wheather
a service is to be considered skilled or unskilled. Even where full recovery or medical improvement is not
possible, skilled care may be needed to prevent, to the extent possible, deterioration of the condition or
to sustain current capacitis, and a service that is generally unkilled would be considered skilled becasue
of special medical complications, its performance or supervision or observation of the resident
necessitates the use of skilled nursing peronnel.