Perspectives on the World Christian
Movement - Final Review Questions and
LESSON 9 - answer LESSON 9
Differentiate between regular and frontier mission efforts. - answer Regular mission:
cross-cultural Christian work that spreads the gospel within people groups where
churches have already been established (P0-P1).
Frontier mission: cross-cultural Christian work that seeks to establish churches within
people groups where it does not yet exist (P2-P3).
(SG) Define and use the terms people bloc, people group, unimax people group,
sociopeople and unreached people group. - answer People bloc: a limited number of
summary categories into which we can place peoples in order to analyze them. Two
commonly used blocs are Major Cultural Blocs (Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist, Ethno-
Religious, Non-Religious, Other) and Affinity Blocs (shared elements of language,
history, culture, etc.)
People group: for evangelistic purposes, a people group is the largest group within
which the gospel can spread as a church planting movement without encountering
barriers of understanding or acceptance.
Unimax people group: the maximum sized group sufficiently unified to be the focus of a
single people movement to Christ.
Sociopeople group: a relatively small association of peers who have an affinity for one
another based upon a shared interest, activity, or occupation.
Unreached people group: an entire group who has not yet been effectively reached with
the gospel, no church made up of people like themselves with whom they can
**Memorize the definition of a people group in reference to evangelization.* - answer
For evangelistic purposes, a people group is the largest group within which the gospel
can spread as a church planting movement without encountering barriers of
understanding or acceptance.
(SG) Explain the essential missionary task using and defining the term missiological
breakthrough. - answer The essential missionary task is to establish a viable
,indigenous church-planting movement that carries the potential to renew whole
extended families and transform whole societies.
A missiological breakthrough refers to the achievement of a viable (grows on its own)
indigenous (not seen as foreign) church-planting movement that continues to reproduce
intergenerational fellowships that are able to evangelize the rest of the people group.
(SG) Describe the rough percentages of the world's population who live in unreached
peoples and in reached peoples. - answer Unreached: 40%
Reached: 60%
*Recall how many unimax groups are in the four major cultural blocs of unreached
peoples. - answer Muslims: 3,300
Hindus: 2,400
Ethno-Religious: 1,200
Buddhists: 700
(SG) Describe the imbalance of missionary allocation in today's world. - answer Only
about 10% of the global evangelical mission force is presently focusing on the 40% of
the world's population that are currently beyond reach of the Church.
*Describe the importance of "mother-tongue ministry" and "mother-tongue Scriptures"
for establishing churches that multiply and endure.* - answer Without Scriptures in
the mother tongue, churches are not able to sustain spiritual depth into succeeding
generations. They have difficulty answering false teaching, waging spiritual warfare, and
avoiding syncretism.
*Describe the value of having culturally distinct churches.* - answer Ethnic churches
are justified not only for pragmatic reasons (because they work) but also because they
are rooted in the doctrine of creation. In God's image, expressing God-given creativity,
people have developed different cultures. Ethnic churches allow for prayer in specific
heart languages, with meaningful gestures, ululations, and prostrations. People specific
churches, and their accompanying theologians, complement other cultures'
understanding of the Bible. They are also a good place to begin global mission work,
allowing a partnership to begin with international Christians living in our own cities.
(SG) Explain the biblical grounds for and strategic value of urban ministry. - answer
Through urbanization, God is drawing people of every race, tribe, and language to
places where they can be reached with the gospel. The migration to the cities is so
large that it must have a divinely-ordained, redemptive purpose behind it.
The movement of history throughout the Bible is from the garden of Eden, where the fall
occurred, to the New Jerusalem, the city that God is preparing for us.
, In the Bible, urban mission began with Jonah. Christ's commission to "go and make
disciples of all peoples" forbids neglecting cities with their multitudes from all tribes and
(SG) Explain the importance of recognizing subtle social boundaries in order to plant
churches among every people group. - answer For evangelistic purposes,
recognizing subtle social boundaries is critical. Those barriers often determine what a
people group is. Initial small-group evangelism is most effective when directed at a
specific social group or class. Once those individual groups are won to Christ, those
social boundaries usually dissolve and can form a single church congregation. In the
early stages of conversion, however, attention to issues like wealth, occupation, and
status is crucial.
Explain how good mission strategy express both faith and faithfulness while allowing for
the Lordship of the Holy Spirit in mission decisions. - answer Faithfulness involves
planning and working together toward success with a consecrated pragmatism. We
should never change our doctrine or our ethical principles in order to do something that
"works," we should remain flexible regarding methods. Strategy does not eliminate the
Holy Spirit. Good strategies present the Holy Spirit with plans that He can change. Good
strategies also provide human co-workers a common vision around which they can
LESSON 10 - answer LESSON 10
*Define culture using Kwast's four layer model. - answer Worldview is the underlying
framework for beliefs which inform values which in turn shape patterns of behavior.
Worldview: what is real?
Beliefs: what is true?
Values: what is good or best?
Behavior: what is done?
Explain why understanding worldview is essential to effective cross-cultural
communication. - answer Gospel communicators need to achieve more than a
surface-level understanding of the cultures they enter. Awareness of the four layers of
culture (behavior, values, beliefs, worldview) is essential for the gospel to be effective in
a cross-cultural setting.
It is essential to connect on a worldview level. For the biblical story to be received and
believed by a people, it must find a place and connection within their worldview.
(SG) Describe what missionaries can do to communicate the gospel with sensitivity in
cross-cultural settings. - answer It is only by active, loving engagement with the local
people, thinking in their thought patterns, understanding their worldview, listening to
their questions, and feeling their burdens, that the whole believing community will be
able to respond to their need. By common prayer, thought, and heart-searching, in