GRI 103 Midterm Study Guide Questions
and Answers All Correct
Rationalization of Social Inequality - Answer-1). Exposure to gender & status
stereotypes leads people to show ideological support for the status quo
2). People use stereotypes to stabilize the system if it is threatened
Normativity (Socialization) - Answer-The process of instilling values, norms, & beliefs in
the individual. Orients us to our place in society with the message that it is a reflection of
who we are.
Normative Definition of Difference - Answer-Creating or prescribing a norm/ standard of
how people should act or be; leads to people seeking out difference
Social Institutions - Answer-Systems and structures within a society that shapes groups
and individuals through advantages and disadvantages.
Antonio Gramsci - Answer-An Italian Marxist philosopher best known for his theory of
'"Cultural Hegemony", describing how the bourgeoisie uses cultural institutions to
maintain power in capitalist societies.
Hegemony - Answer-Leadership or dominance over a social group (ex. "Whiteness")
WEB DuBois - Answer-The first black American sociologist, socialist, historian, and
Pan-Africanist civil rights activist/ NAACP's director of publicity & research.
"Double Consciousness" - Answer-A concept conceived by W.E.B. DuBois to describe
the two behavioral scripts, one for moving through the world and the other incorporating
the external opinions of prejudiced onlookers, which are constantly maintained by
African Americans
Identity Triangle - Answer-The three different parts of identity that work together to
function collectively: Society, Self, and Material/ Physical Manifestation
Marginalization - Answer-Groups lacking desirable traits are excluded from society (the
poor, uneducated, undesirable color and language). Stays in the margin of acceptance
by society unless there's social intervention.
Levels of Social Analysis - Answer-1. Micro -- individual
2. Meso -- group/ institutional
3. Macro -- societal, cultural, global
, Kimberle Crewnshaw - Answer-Quoted "Oppression is always relational" and how
"Intersectionality is a prism to view identity and difference, not a theory or idea".
Believed that power comes and collides, and acknowledges that everyone has
experienced discrimination & privilege.
Relational Nature of Social Identity - Answer-"Social identity categories are not
separate, but relational and interconnected" -- Collins and Bilge
(1. Race, 2. Ethnicity, 3. Gender Identity, 4. Class, 5. Language, 6. Religion, 7. Ability,
8. Sexuality, 9. Mental Health, 10. Age, 11. Education, 12. Attractiveness, etc. )
Privilege - Answer-Greater access to power, status, resources, & opportunity in a social
hierarchy; opposite of oppression (ex. White Privilege, Male Privilege)
Justice - Answer-Fair behavior or treatment
Oppression - Answer-A structural and systemic inequality; being kept down by unjust
use of force or authority (persecution, abuse, maltreatment)
Social Justice - Answer-The distribution of wealth, opportunities, and privileges within a
Socialization - Answer-The process by which people learn customs and values of their
Social Group Membership - Answer-"Power hierarchies create and maintain a system of
advantage and disadvantage based on social group membership" -- Lee Anne Bell
Melting Pot vs. Mosaic - Answer-Melting pot- everyone molds together
Mosaic- everyone retains parts of them and their culture
Assimilation - Answer-The social process of absorbing one cultural group into harmony
with another (ex. Native American Assimilation)
"Flaunting" - Answer-A negative term that has been used for the expression of
distinctive, ethnic, religious, cultural characteristics (ex. gay culture, religious culture,
racial culture)
"Covering" - Answer-Covering up one's distinctive ethnic, religious, cultural
characteristics so they're not as visible.
"Race" - Answer-A socially & culturally constructed designation of difference; a way to
explain the domination of one group over another
Social Construction of Race - Answer-