Leadership - ANSWERSis the practice of influencing people, while using ethical values
and goals, to produce an intended change.
Formal - ANSWERS"Authority" from above, top-down, legal, maintain control, limited,
imposed, status quo, avoidance, everyone to whom conferred.
Informal - ANSWERS"Power" all directions, *reciprocal flow, * all directions, trust,
influence change, unlimited, self-discipline, change, yes ( calculated), leaders.
Compliance - ANSWERSAcceptance of a person's authority. It yields to an outward
change in behavior, without an accompanying alteration of attitude.
Commitment - ANSWERSAn outward manifestation of an internal agreement/
willingness to embrace leadership values and agency goals.
Life Balance - ANSWERS= Work/ Personal Development, Family Community, and
being a Peace Officer.
Peer Leadership - ANSWERSPeer behavior are strong influence on peer officers. It is
incumbent on every peace officer to recognize that he or she has the opportunity to
influence peers by modeling positive behaviors, taking charge, and sharing information
if and when appropriate.
Modeling - ANSWERSMaintaining ethical standers, professional appearance, (first
impressions) pursuing self development.
Intervening - ANSWERSAs a leader, a peace officer must have the courage to address
unacceptable or unethical behavior and is obligated to intervene if such action is
exhibited by another officer.
Community policing - ANSWERSWhen peace officers and community members share a
common sense of values, communicate openly and regularly. Trust is the critical link in
the community/policing partnership.
Follower - ANSWERSCourage to: assume responsibility, serve with loyalty, challenge,
participate in transformation, and know when LEAVE!
Public Trust - ANSWERSis the expectation that the authority and power entrusted to a
peace officer will not abuse. The public must be confident that peace officers will
perform their duties in respect of that trust.
,Factors Impacting Public Trust - ANSWERS1. Previous experience with law
2. develop or enhance police/community partnerships.
3. General public apathy and prevailing attitudes.
4. Impact of the family structure.
5. Social and/or economic conditions.
6. Situations that promote high levels of fear or a sense of collective victimization.
7. Media treatment of law enforcement events.
"The Golden Rule" = Dignity - ANSWERS"Do unto others as you would have others do
unto you"
The Golden rule establishes an essential spirit of ethical conduct.
The key to The Golden Rule frames your considered action with a responsibility for the
well-being of others.
Ethical Standards - ANSWERSThe criteria set for professional conduct. Statements of
the specific objectives for which peace officers should strive are found in the Code of
Career Survival - ANSWERSDespite the inherent dangers of the job, many officers who
end their careers prematurely do so as result of making poor ethical decisions. (e.g.,
*lying, sex related offense.)
Community Expectations - ANSWERSThe community expects that police officers will
serve the public interest and conduct themselves in an ethical manner. (keep the
community safe and secure, demonstrate professional behavior, solve problems.)
Agency Expectations - ANSWERSthe police officer's agency expects: conformance with
the law.
Code of Ethics and Code of Professional Conduct and Responsibilities for Peace
Officer's Peer Expectation - ANSWERSWithin the employing agency, an officer's peer
technical competence,support, integrity,
dependability, honesty, and friendship.
Expectation of Peace Officers - ANSWERSTo effectively carry out their assigned duties
and fulfill community expectations, peace officers have expectations, including:
appropriate training, adequate resources, agency support, fair and ethical treatment,
respect and cooperation of the public.
Law Enforcement Code of Ethics - ANSWERSThe Law Enforcement Code of Ethics
was adopted in 1956 by the National Conference of Police association of Chiefs of
, Adherence - ANSWERSany code is just words until translated into action. Officers give
the Law Enforcement Code of Ethics life and meaning by following it in their everyday
conduct. They also adhere to it as matter of personal integrity.
Key Elements - ANSWERSPOST requires that all peace officers abide by the Law
Enforcement Code of Ethics. Officers should become thoroughly familiar with the code
and understand what they promise to uphold.
Code of Conduct - ANSWERSCalifornia has supplemented the law Enforcement Code
of ethics with a Code of Professional Conduct and Responsibilities for Peace Officers.
The Code of Conduct is comprised of canons and ethical standards. It was developed in
Canons - ANSWERSGeneral statements of the standards of professional conduct
expected of peace officers.
Intervention - ANSWERSis the act of attempting to prevent or attempting to stop the
inappropriate or unlawful behavior of another.
Types of Interventions: Advance, Immediate, Delayed - ANSWERSAdvance: means
taking action before an inappropriate action is committed.(showing up at the scene)
Immediate: Verbally or physically (stepping in/ or restraining)
Delayed: Discussion/ Referral/ Reporting.
Ethical decision making and leadership - ANSWERSPeace officers who practice the
competencies of ethical leadership with the requisite skills of problem-solving, will be
better equipped to arrive at appropriate solutions in decision making.
Stereotype - ANSWERSis a preconceived or over-simplified generalization involving
negative or positive beliefs about another group.
Prejudice - ANSWERSis a prejudgment or point of view about a person or group of
individuals that is usually formed before the facts are known.
Benefits of recognizing and respecting diversity - ANSWERSUnderstanding cultural
influences of individuals can help peace officers recognize and influence patterns of
behavior and build more effective relationships within the community and within law
enforcement itself.
Constitution - ANSWERSis a written document that embodies the basic laws of nation
or state. "The Rule of Law!"
Frame work of government
* three branches of government - ANSWERSThe branches of government include:
* executive branch