Contents of Job Specification (4) - Answer-1. Technical Requirements - educational
attainment, work experience, training/seminars
2. Interpersonal Requirements - i.e. willing to work outside of the Phils.
3. Educational Requirements
4. Knowledge, skills, and abilities
Recruitment Process (4) - Answer-1. Formulating a recruitment strategy - basis is
internal or external hiring
2. Searching for job applicants - involves two methods
a. traditional recruitment method - through media, newspapers, magazines, campus
recruitment, billboards
b. modern recruitment method - through the internet
c. screening applicants - eliminating individuals who are not qualified for the position
d. maintaining an applicant pool - reserve applicants; individuals who have expressed
an interest in pursuing a job
Recruitment Stages (3) - Answer-1. Defining requirements - recreation of job description
and specification
2. Attracting potential employees - through compensation (salary and benefits)
3. Selecting appropriate people for the job - internal and external sources
Different Parts of a Resume' (7) - Answer-1. Name, address, contact info
2. Job objective
3. Personal background
4. Educational attainment
5. Special skills
6. Work experience
7. Reference (at least 3 people, name, address, contact info)
Important Things to Consider in the Selection Process (6) - Answer-1. Performance
always depends in part on the employees - basis is through their employees
2. It is costly to recruit and hire employees
3. Company objectives are better achieved by workers who have been properly
4. An incompetent worker is a liability to the company
5. Applicants have the degree of intelligence, attitudes, and abilities
6. Labor laws protect employees, making it difficult to terminate or dismiss an
incompetent employee
, Steps in the Selection Process (8) - Answer-1. Review of the application form - initial or
primary screening
2. Employment interview - 2 methods
a. unstructured - questions are based on the resume'
b. structured - questions are uniform or the same for all applicants
3. Employment testing - 4 types
a. test of cognitive abilities - includes the general reasoning and specific mental abilities
b. test of motor and physical abilities - strength and stamina testing
c. measuring personality and interest - interests and character questions
d. achievement test - proficiency test, training then test
4. Background investigation and reference - personal, education, employment
5. Final interview
6. Selection decision
7. Physical exam
8. Placement on the job
Major Purpose of HRM (4) - Answer-1. Acquisition - job analysis, recruitment, selection,
and placement
2. Development - training and development, performance, and coping with changing
3. Maintenance - wage, salary, benefits, and services, labor relations, collective
bargaining, discipline and complaints
4. Utilization - human resource planning and career development
Training - Answer-- is an attempt to improve performance by the specific skills.
- considered as an investment to the company
- upgrading; motivation
Development - Answer-- it provides employees border learning which maybe utilized in
a variety of settings and for future jobs.
Orientation - Answer-- is a procedure for providing new employees with basic
background information about the organization, culture, and the job.
Socialization - Answer-- refers to a new employee learning the standards and norms,
values, goals, work procedures and the pattern of behavior that are expected by the
2 Types of Orientation - Answer-1. Overview orientation/Organizational orientation -
overview of the company key policies and procedures, compensation, benefits, safety
and accident prevention, employees and union relations, and the physical facilities.
2. Departmental and Job Specific orientation - topics about the department function and
the duties and responsibilities of the newly hired employees, policies and procedures,
rules and regulations, tour of the department, and introduction to department