.1 st rehab act was formed in what year - Answer-1920
.1)manage causative factors (diet, fluids, exercise)
2)utilize gastrocolic reflex to stimulate emptying
3)encourage regular evacuation time
4)place on toilet instead of bed pan
Common interventions for what? - Answer-Constipation
.1973 Rehab Act - Answer-Mandated affirmative action and nondiscrimination regarding employment with
Federal agencies
.1974 - Answer-Association of Rehabilitation Nurses was created
.1975 - Answer-Education Of all Handicapped Children
.1990 American Disability Act - Answer-Increased accessibility, increased opportunity for
employment,education and healthcare
.1990 Self Determination Act - Answer-must have Advance Directive copy in charts, Educate pts on their
,.2 lateral ventricles - Answer-one in each hemisphere,csf formed
.3 and 4th ventricle - Answer-more centrally located, allows csf to continually flow from the brain to the
spinal cord
.3 Important concepts for rehab nursing - Answer-patient centered, goal-oriented, outcome-based
.3-D's - Answer-Depression delirium and dementia none of these are normal aging we treat and manage
.4 parts of growth and development for children - Answer-1.physical -move and manipulate environment
2. cognitive-communication and solve problems
3. social-establish relationship
4. psychological-develop a sense of awareness,self-image and self confidence
.4 preventative measures of recurrent stroke? - Answer-- exercise
- anticoagulants
- lipid lowering agents
- lifestyle change
.75% to 60% Rule - Answer-created in 1984,TEN catergories for admission for rehab, 2003-increased to
.A bladder scanner should be used to assess post void residuals (PVR). At what PVR should you catheterize? -
Answer-Catheterize for PVR >150ml generally or greater than 300ml if unable to void.
.A chemical restraint is a medication - Answer-used to subdue or quiet behavior
,.A client at this Rancho Los Amigos level can demonstrate an emerging awareness of appropriate response to
self, family, and basic needs. Needs moderate assist to problem solve barriers to task completion. Is
supervised for old learning and shows carryover for relearned familiar tasks (e.g., self care). - Answer-6
Confused but appropriate needing moderate assistance.
.A client at this Rancho Los Amigos level can demonstrate more depth and detail to remote memories than
recent memories, has vague recognition of staff, is able to use assistive memory aid with maximum
assistance. - Answer-6 Confused but appropriate needing moderate assistance.
.A client at this Rancho Los Amigos level is able to record critical information for later use with standby
assist, they are able to initiate and carry out steps to complete familiar personal, household, community,
work, and leisure routines with standby assist and can modify the plan when needed with minimal
assistance. - Answer-8 Purposeful, appropriate; standby assist.
.A client at this Rancho Los Amigos level is able to respond appropriately to simple commands fairly
consistently with external structure and cues. Verbalizations about present events become inappropriate
and confabulatory when external structure and cues are not provided. - Answer-5 Confused, inappropriate
non agitated; maximum assistance.
.A client at this Rancho Los Amigos level is able to shift back and forth between tasks and completes them
independently for at least 2 consecutive hours. Uses assistive memory devices to recall daily schedules and
"to do" lists. Initiates and carries out steps to complete familiar personal, household, work and leisure tasks
with assistance when requested. - Answer-9 Purposeful, appropriate: standby assistance
.A client at this Rancho Los Amigos level is alert, not agitated, but may wander randomly or with a vague
intention of going home. May become agitated in response to external stimulation and or lack of
environmental structure. - Answer-5 Confused, inappropriate non agitated; maximum assistance.
.A client at this Rancho Los Amigos level is aware of and acknowledges impairments and disabilities when
they interfere with task completionand takes appropriate corrective actions. Acknowledges others' needs
and feelings and responds appropriately with standby assistance. Depression may continue. May be irritable
and have a low frustration tolerance. - Answer-9 Purposeful, appropriate: standby assistance
, .A client at this Rancho Los Amigos level is consistently oriented to person, place, and time. Independently
attends to and completes familiar tasks for 1 hour in distracting environments and is able to recall and
integrate past and recent events. They use assistive memory devices to recall daily schedule and "to do"
lists. - Answer-8 Purposeful, appropriate; standby assist.
.A client at this Rancho Los Amigos level is inconsistently oriented to person, time and place. They are able to
attend to highly familiar tasks in non distracting environments for 30 minutes with moderate redirection. -
Answer-6 Confused but appropriate needing moderate assistance.
.A client at this Rancho Los Amigos level is not oriented to person place or time. They demonstrate a severely
impaired recent memory, with confusion of past and present in reaction to ongoing activity. This individual is
absent goal-directed, problem solving, self monitoring behavior. - Answer-5 Confused, inappropriate non
agitated; maximum assistance.
.A client at this Rancho Los Amigos level needs maximum assistance for new learning with little or no
carryover. Unaware of impairments, disabilities and safety risks. Consistently follows simple directions, and
verbal responses are appropriate in highly familiar and structured situations. - Answer-6 Confused but
appropriate needing moderate assistance.
.A client at this Rancho Los Amigos level often demonstrates inappropriate use of objects without external
direction. May be able to previously learned tasks when structured and cues provided. They are unable to
learn new information. - Answer-5 Confused, inappropriate non agitated; maximum assistance.
.A client at this Rancho Los Amigos level will respond to discomfort by pulling tubes or restraints, is
inconsistent in responses to simple commands, and may respond to some people (family friends) but not
others. - Answer-3 localized response
.A client experiencing powerlessness may exhibit - Answer-a lack of initiative in goal planning and
achievment; passivity; withdrawal from family, social, and vocational decisions and interactions.
.A client is alert with a heightened state of activity. Purposeful attempts to remove restraints or tube or get
out of bed. This client can sit, reach and walk but without apparent purpose or upon another person's
request....What is his Rancho Los Amigos score? - Answer-4