Britain essay plans
Good sentence starters
Point Evidence Explanation/ Analysis
There is no It is evident This can be Further This Therefore,
doubt.. that... evidenced evidencing illustrates this shows
by.. this... that
It is clear that Evidently it Reinforcing Evidently this This proves.. This meant
during the can be said this.. can be seen on the one
time period.. that.. through... hand… on
the other
Although It is Evidencing Proving this... Evidently this This
some irrefutable this.. meant... therefore led
historians that... to…
may argue...
It cannot be It is obvious As This can be This meant This had a
argued by… that... evidence… seen by... that.. long term/
otherwise shows that… short term/
that... immediate
Clearly, Alternatively.. Evidence to Evidence that This led to... This
from… the show this is.. can prove highlights…
government.. this is: …, …,
… and …..
Topic 1
How accurate is it to say that there was very little difference in the social and economic
policies of the Labour party 1945- 64?
Argument 1: post war Universalism was Social welfare was
universalism generally accepted - massive -
NHS was agreed conservatives likely
upon, healthcare would have preferred
provisions were less intervention they
widely accepted maintained the NHS
, Argument 2: little Coined in the Evidenced through Attlee wanted to find
difference through economist - similar the ‘mixed economy, a ‘middle way’ for
butskellism - economic policies route they took with a everyone -
economic and attitudes, both balance between consensus about
chancellors private and welfare and so forth
Argument 3: not Devalued the pound Austerity measures
necessarily in 1949 - not necessarily
consensus in terms conservatives massively popular
of economics avoided doing this
often - not a popular
measure for them
Argument 4: Conservative reign - Nationalisation was
conservative reign what extent was it a not popular like iron
consensus? and steel which they
delayed and later
denationalised - 1951
How far do you agree that Britain experiences economic progress in the years 1918-39?
Criteria: Economic progress: decline in inflation, better employment, more consumer
spending, improvements to debt
Argument 1: post war Post war debt was Post war 16.4% of Aldcroft, Britain did
Britain did not £3.25b, £8b by 1920 people were improve and return to
necessarily - failure as debt did unemployed, 80% of 1913 standards, this
experience economic not improve, limited those were was not necessarily
progress progress minorities, 70% of the good as they were
adult population in meant to be past that
areas like Tyneside
were unemployed
Argument 2: 1920s Most convincing The 20s were a time
and 30s were factor because of of poor employment,
extremely bad how bad living 30.1% of shipbuilding
conditions were - industry unemployed
1920s hit according to Aldcroft
unemployment highs - poor employment -
of 12% and inflation Beveridge argued it
of 15% - economy hit North more than
struggled, D. Fraser the South