EEG 211 Final Exam Review Questions
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True or False: Seizure causes may include lesions, metabolic disorders, strokes, genetic propensity, head
injuries, and or strokes. - ✔✔True
Acute seizure intervention medication - ✔✔Fosphenytoin
Generated by the entire cortex, consciousness is always impaired, can be considered a life threatening
emergency? - ✔✔Generalized Seizure
Low glycemic index diet is the same as - ✔✔Diabetic diet
What are the proven drugs of choice to treat infantile spasms? - ✔✔Vigabatrin
In Case 1, where is the epileptiform activity maximal? - ✔✔right frontal-central
Classic Lennox-Gastaut Syndrome seizures - ✔✔multiple seizure types
Extensor Infantile Spasm will most likely develop into - ✔✔Tonic seizures
Epilepsy with a recognizable constellation of onset age, seizure type, etiology and prognosis. -
✔✔Epilepsy Syndrome
Any condition with recurrent seizures that are not due to transient provoking factors. - ✔✔Epilepsy
Sudden excessive discharges of neurons in the brain. - ✔✔Seizures
In case 2, what is the most recent approved AED? - ✔✔Rufinamide
Author. Emily Charlene, ©2025 All Rights Reserved.
Describes cases of epilepsy where the cause is unknown but a lesion and distinct pathogenesis is
presumed. - ✔✔Cryptogenic
Describes cases of epilepsy in which the disorder is due to a known cause. - ✔✔Symptomatic
Indicates that no apparent cause and no brain lesion can be found. - ✔✔Idiopathic
Felbamate in children under the age of 12 may cause: - ✔✔weight loss
Sudden loss of muscle tone and often referred to as drop attacks? - ✔✔Atonic
May experience strange sensations, focal twitching or jerking; consciousness is not impaired? - ✔✔Simple
Disorder of the nervous system that leads to developmental reversals, especially in the areas of
expressive language and hand use. - ✔✔Rett Syndrome
Smooth brain is called: - ✔✔Lissencephaly
Repeated uncontrollable movements associated with a complex partial seizure? - ✔✔Automatisms
Temporary alteration of brain function caused by paroxysmal cerebral neuronal discharge? - ✔✔Seizure
Which medication usually renders seizure freedom for 3/second spike and wave? - ✔✔Ethosuximide
Partial seizures, progressing to epilepsia partialis contunua. EEG shows initally focal spikes then focal
slowing and seizures. Poor prognosis. Most develop hemiparesis, hemiatrophy on EEG. - ✔✔Rasmussen
Facial Port Wine Stain birthmark, cerebral atrophy, focal seizures, progressive, hemiparesis, mental
handicap. - ✔✔Sturge-Weber Syndrome
Seizures consist of visual hallucinations or transient blindness, often with a prominent post-ictal
headache. Consciousness may be preserved throughout. Frequent seizures, may be daily, may be
Author. Emily Charlene, ©2025 All Rights Reserved.
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misdiagnosed with migraine. EEG shows occipital spikes abolished on eye opening and often activated
by photic stimulation. Prognosis fair, 60% spontaneously remit. - ✔✔Benign Childhood Occipital
Epilepsy Gastaut Type
Brief staring spells and myoclonic jerks, especially on waking. Generalized tonic clonic seizures as well.
May be photic sensitive. 3-4 per second polyspike and slow wave complexes shown on EEG. Prognosis
excellent for control on medication but is a lifelong condition. - ✔✔Juvenile Myoclonic Epilepsy
Prolonged complex partial seizures with prominent autonomic features such as nausea or pallor. Half of
seizures last more than 30 mins, typically starting with staring, confusion, eye deviation, loss of
consciousness and or generalized tonic clonic. EEG shows occipital spikes abolished by eye opening.
Good prognosis. - ✔✔Benign Childhood Occipital Epilepsy Panayiotopoulos Type
Seizures consisting of twitching of one limb or face, drooling and occur in sleep. Often conscious during
seizure, may progress to generalized tonic clonic seizure. EEG shows centrotemporal spikes activated by
sleep sometimes with frontal positive dipole. Prognosis excellent, many remit by early adolescence. -
✔✔Benign Rolandic Epilepsy
Staring spells, lasting less than 1 min usually, often with eye blinking. 50% also have generalized tonic
clonic seizures. EEG shows 3 per second spike and slow wave pattern and is activated by
hyperventilation. Prognosis is good, usually remits in adolescence. - ✔✔Childhood Absence Epilepsy
Seizures may contain vocalizations and arise from sleep, thrashing, trunk and leg automatisms, if from
motor cortex -focal clonic seizures, if from supplementary motor area - bilateral tonic posturing,
contralateral eye deviation, if opercular - salivation, swallowing, emesis, clonic facial movements. Many
diagnosed with parasomnias. - ✔✔Frontal lobe epilepsy
Cafe'au Lait spots, Axillary freckling, and multiple growths/tumors in neuro tissue. -
Author. Emily Charlene, ©2025 All Rights Reserved.