MAN3025 Exam 4 UF|304 Questions
with Verified Answers
motivation - -the psychological processes that arouse and direct goal-
directed behavior
- personal factors of motivation - -personality, ability, core self-evaluations,
emotions, attitudes, needs
- contextual factors of motivation - -physical work environment, group
norms, organizational culture, cross cultural values, rewards, communication
tech, organizational design, leader behavior
- extrinsic rewards - -external payoff, such as money, that a person receives
from others for performing a particular task
- intrinsic rewards - -intrinsic satisfaction a person receives from performing
the particular task itself
- why do managers maintain a motivated workforce - -it attracts
prospective workers to join the organization and keeps talented workers in
the organization
it reduces absenteeism and turnover
it encourages people to go above and beyond their job descriptions
- simple model of motivation - -describes the psychological processes that
arouse and direct goal-directed behavior
unfulfilled needs create a motivation to perform certain behaviors, which
lead to rewards that will fulfill those needs. you then use feedback about
whether you received sufficient rewards to determine whether these
behaviors worked and, therefore, whether you should perform them again
- Content Perspectives on Motivation - -theories that emphasize the needs
that motivate people
- needs - -physiological or psychological deficiencies that drive behavior
- maslow's hierarchy of needs - -proposes that people are motivated by 5
levels of needs
physiological (bottom), safety, social, esteem, self-actualization (top)
- self actualization - -developing to one's fullest potential, the best one can
, - esteem - -include status, reputation, recognition, self respect, self
- social - -love, friendship, affection
- safety - -physical safety and emotional security/stability
- physiological - -basic needs like food, shelter, clothing, self preservation
- Alderfer's ERG theory - -3 basic needs influence behavior: existence,
relatedness and growth
- existence needs - -desires for physical well-being (combination of
Maslow's physiological and safety needs)
- relatedness needs - -desire to have meaningful relationships with people
who are significant to us
(maslow's social and esteem needs)
- growth needs - -desire to grow as human beings and to use our abilities to
their fullest potential
(maslow's self actualization needs)
- frustration regression principle - -refers to people seeking to intensely
fulfill lower-level needs when higher-level needs are frustrated
ex: working on work socialization instead of self growth
- McClelland's aquired needs theory - -states that three needs -
achievement, affiliation, and power - are major motives determining people's
behavior in the workplace (these needs are learned from one's culture and
life experiences)
- "well balanced" individual - -achievement, affiliation, and power are of
equal size
- "control freak" individual - -achievement is normal, but affiliation is small
and power is large
- need for acheivement - -the desire to excel, solve problems, achieve
excellence in difficult tasks and do something more effectively or more
high level of self effficacy
- needs for affiliation - -the desire to be liked and accepted
, - need for power - -the desire to influence or control others, be responsible
for others, and have authority over others
2 types: personal and institutional
- personal power - -negative, based on controlling your surroundings and
the need to manipulate and dominate others
- institutional power - -positive, based on status and the need to solve
problems and further organizational goals
- Herzberg's Two-Factor Theory - -proposed that work satisfaction and
dissatisfaction arise from two different factors - motivating factors and
hygiene factors
- hygiene factors - -lower level needs associated with job dissatisfaction,
such as salary, working conditions, interpersonal relationships, and company
policy - all which affect the job context in which people work
- _____ of hygiene factors causes job dissatisfaction but the _____ of hygiene
factors isn't enough to cause job satisfaction - -absence, presence
- motivating factors - -higher-level needs associated with job satisfaction -
such as achievement, recognition, responsibility, and advancement - all of
which affect the job content or the rewards of work performance
- process perspectives - -concerned with the thought processes by which
people decide how to act (ex: how employees choose behavior to meet their
- equity theory - -focuses on employee perceptions as to how fairly they
think they are being treated compared with others
- perceptions of fairness - -based on comparisons of one's own ratio of
outcomes to inputs against another person's ratio
- perceived ratio - -ratio of returns (outputs) to contribution (inputs)
determines perceived equity
- inputs - -include anything the employee contributes to the job, such as
time, seniority, and intelligence
- outputs - -include anything the employee gets out of the job, such as pay,
promotions, and praise