Man3025 UF exam 2|68 Q’s and
A’s Distinction Graded
Alita is participating with other division heads in a discussion about new
international competition for the firm and what the organization's goals
should be for the next three years. She is participating in - -a. strategic
- Business plan - -a. a document that outlines a proposed firm's goals, the
strategy for achieving them, and the standards for measuring success.
- Business model - -outlines the need the firm will fill, the operations of the
business, its components and functions, as well as the expected revenues
and expenses
- ***Mission statement - -"what is our reason for being?"
1. An organization's mission is its purpose for being. Determining the mission
is the responsibility of top management and the board. It is up to them to
formulate a mission statement, which expresses the purpose of the
- Vision statement - -"What do we want to become?"
- A vision is a long-term goal describing "what" an organization wants to
become. It is a clear sense of the future and the actions needed to get there
- A vision should describe what's happening to the world you compete in and
what you want to do about it, it should guide decisions
- After formulating a mission statement, top managers need to develop a
vision statement, which expresses what the organization should become,
where it wants to go strategically
- ***Values statement - -"What values do we want to emphasize?"
1. After formulating a vision statement, then top managers need to develop
a values statement, also called a core values statement, which expresses
what the company stands for, its core priorities, the values its employees
embody, and what its products contribute to the world
- ***Planning - --setting goals and deciding who to achieve them.
-works out what u want and determine whether u can achieve what u want.
-helps u figure out the time frame it will take for u to be successful.
-encourages u to think about how ur going to achieve what u want
- reasons for planning - -1. helps u check your progress
2. helps u coordinate activities
3. helps u be forward thinking
, 4. helps you deal with uncertainty
- strategic management - -5 step process for formulating& implementing
strategies&goals, involves managers from all parts of organization. 1.
determine mission, vision, and values. 2. examine current reality by
assessing environment
3. devise grand strategy & strategic, tactical, operational plans4. execute
strategy by following strategic plans5.evaluate strategic plans&alter them if
need to maintain strategic control.
- ****VRIO analysis - -framework for analyzing competitive strategic
potential of a resource or capability. method firms can use 2 determine
whether 2 go forward w business idea.
1.Value, if business idea enables firm to exploit n opportunity or neutralize
threat is value.
2.Rarity, if lots of competition, not rare&only has =competitive potential.
3.Imitability, if easy 4 firms 2 enter market w/o big barriers/expenses,
competitive advantage of the firms business idea may only be temp.
4. Organization, if has necessities (structure, culture, capital, etc) to harness
V.R.&I of business idea then firm is organized 2 exploit it.
- ****Planning process by broadest statement to narrowest direction - -1.
mission statmnt 2. vision statmnt 3.strategic planning 4.tactical planning
5.operational planning
- ****Connection between goals and plans - -Comp.'s mission is used 2
determine its vision. Both mission and vision guide strategic planning.
Strategic planning guides tactical planning. Tactical planning guides
operational planning. Strategic planning, tactical planning, and operational
planning involve the generation of goals & plans.
Timeframes for strategic, tactical and ops planning overlap.Focus on who is
- Goals - -specific commitments to achieve measurable result within a
stated period of time.
-orgs goals shaped by mission and vision.
- ****strategic planning - --occurs when TOP managers determine org's
long-term goals should be for next 1-5 years w knowledge that environment
is ever-changing and increasingly competitive
-*TOP managers: CEOs, presidents, VPs, general Managers, division heads.
- benefits:provides direction&momentum, inspire new ideas, cultivate
sustainable competitive advantage.