Quotation banks on inspector calls characters
Quotation Bank: Arthur Birling
Quotation Inferences Methods Contexts Linked quotation
‘Fiddlesticks! The arrogant, foolish, exclamatory / short written in 1945 (set in ‘The famous younger
Germans don’t want ignorant, confident sentence, repetition, 1912) so the audience generation know it
war. Nobody wants lack of modal verbs, know he was wrong (2 all.’ (Act 3) – sarcastic
war.’ (Act 1) dramatic irony world wars) – Priestley’s tone; ironic; shows
tool to make him appear lack of change in
foolish character
‘As if we’re all mixed Arrogant, self metaphor, simile, The upper class were ‘Probably a soialist or
up together like bees assured, capitalist, hyperbole superior to lower class, some sort of crank’
in a hive - community conceited exploited the poor,
and all that nonsense’ Derogatory term benefitting from the
(Act 1) Disrespectful lower classes status.
Referring to socialist
as cranks-contrast
with who Birling is.
‘Unsinkable, absolutely Confident, ignorant, Repetition, The titanic sunk the same ‘Im talking as a hard
unsinkable’ arrogant, foolish exaggeration, dramatic year as play was set, headed, practical man
irony, written in 1945 so of business’
priestley made birling Everything is business
look foolish, he claims based
the younger generation
don’t know anything
‘Im talking as a hard Arrogant, ignorant, adjective - hard, First war happened 2 “You'll be getting
headed, practical man quite snobbish and practical, suggests he is years later, audience just married at avery good
of business. And i say content with himself, likely to succeed and is came out of second time”
there isn’t a chance of or trying to convince based off of the use of world war, dramatic
-close to WW and the
war’ himself that he has something rather than irony, makes us lose
audience is aware of
earned his status and theories/ ideas. Ironic respect for Birling as he
now demands because he fails to see isn’t as socially aware as that.
respect as someone his mistakes therefore he claims. Not willing to
who hadn't received it happens again and open up to new ideas.
it before. his children dislike him.
He’s saying it’s
practical to use the
poor because it means
more profit.
‘Lower cost and higher Pompous and self Short phrase Labour had won the ‘If you don’t come
prices’ promoting, Effective election, distinct lean down hard on these
injudicious towards socialist ideals, people, they’d soon
be asking for the
Priestly does this to
expose the changes
within society from 1912
to 1945
Their marriage is like a
business arrangement
, ‘The same port as your father’ - insecure, trying to prove he can buy the same stuff as a rich
‘Lower costs higher prices’ - their marriage is like a business arrangement to mr b, selling
her off, financial and social benefit, lack of sr and exploiting the poor
Corruption, birling tries to make the inspector comfortable by his police connections and
playing golf with them.
‘Just a knighthood ofc’ underplaying it
‘Community and all that nonsense’ - doesn’t care about sr, derogatory
‘As if were all like bees in a hive’
‘I know the brumley officers very well’
‘Yes yes horrible business’ dismissive tone, not his problem repetition makes him seem like
he dont care and wants inspector gone, rush, hurry, refers to eva as business,
dehumanising, she’s just a commodity, something he can buy or sell wants to exploit.
‘The son of sir george’ using his power, connections and status
‘I can't accept any responsibility’
‘She had far too much to say so she had to go’ - silences women, patriarchal society
‘Perhaps i ought to warn you he's an old friend’
‘There isn't the slightest reason my daughter should be dragged into this unpleasant
business’ overprotective
Quotation Bank: Sheila Birling
Quotation Inferences Methods Contexts Linked quotation
‘Half serious, half Sheila can’t confront Juxtapose, imperative, Palace variety theatre was ‘(laughs rather
playful) Yes - except Gerald so she slyly repetition the favourite haunt of hysterically) Why
for all of last summer jokes about it as she is women of the town, the you fool - he knows.
when you never came a woman and had to upper class would hide Of course he knows.
near me’ (Act 1) marry into the upper under the theatre and I hate to think how
class and wants him to cheat on their wives in this much he knows we
know that she bar, appearance vs reality, don’t know yet.
suspects him. they’re immoral and You’ll see. You’ll
‘acting’ respectful - walking see’
theatre production.
‘Im supposed to be
engaged to the hero
of it’
‘I’m sorry daddy. Immature behaviour, Noun ‘daddy’ ;) Women were said to have ‘You’re acting like a
Actually i was mommy daddy hysteria - too emotional hysterical child
listening’ (Act 1) suggests she is a child and locked them away, tonight’ Mrs Birling
disregarding Sheila. (Act 2)
She seems crude -