MGMT 3000 Exam One|487 Complete
Questions and Answers
Quality is best defined as Blank______. - -the excellence of a product,
whether it be goods or services
- The introduction of new goods and services is known as Blank______. - -
- Select the components that are part of total quality management. (Select
every correct answer.) - -preventing defects before they occur,achieving
zero defects in manufacturing,designing products for quality,operating with a
philosophy of continuous improvement
- Blank______ across boundaries occurs even beyond the boundaries of the
organization to include customers. - -Collaboration
- Which measurement of quality is focused on continually meeting the needs
of customers to establish mutually beneficial long-term relationships? - -
- When a company achieves success and is able to sustain that success
because it consistently outperforms its rivals, that company has Blank______.
- -a competitive advantage
- Which are key factors influencing the growth of globalization in the
competitive landscape? (Select every correct answer.) - -International
markets are growing with rising incomes and increased demand.,Corporate
operations transcend national borders.,Offices and production facilities are
located worldwide.
- What term refers to the excellence of a product, whether it be goods or
services? - -quality
- The Blank______ approach to quality was to check work after it was
completed and then eliminate defects, using inspection and statistical data
to determine whether products were up to standards. - -traditional
- Blank______ means giving customers what they want or need, when they
want it. - -Service
- The key to understanding the success of a company is the Blank______ the
company holds and sustains. - -competitive advantage
, - Which reason best explains why companies are operating globally? - -
increased opportunities for growth
- Select the ways in which speed is a competitive advantage for a company.
(Select every correct answer.) - -A faster organization can quickly adjust to
market demands.,A faster company has a market advantage by getting
product to the consumer quickly.,A faster company can quickly respond to
competitors' actions.
- Which statement about cost competitiveness is true? - -It is important
because a desirable product sold at a lower price is more likely to sell.
- is the effort to maintain the natural environment while effectively
managing today's business and building tomorrow's business opportunities. -
- Successful managers tend to focus on Blank______. - -all six competitive
- Wayde is responsible for working with his team and resources, making sure
all members are doing their jobs, and that his team is focused on
accomplishing organizational goals. Wayde is most likely a(n) Blank______. -
- What term refers to the fast and timely execution, response, and delivery
of results? - -speed
- The process of keeping costs low in order to achieve profits and to be able
to offer prices that are attractive to consumers is called Blank______. - -cost
- The management function of planning is Blank______. - -systematically
making decisions about the goals and activities that an individual, a group, a
work unit, or the organization will pursue
- Minimizing the use of resources, especially those that are polluting and
nonrenewable, is a core goal of Blank______. - -sustainability
- Which statement about the six competitive advantages is true? - -There
are some trade-offs among the six sources of competitive advantage.
- The process of working with people and resources to accomplish
organizational goals is referred to as Blank______. - -management
, - What is the management function of specifying the goals to be achieved
and deciding in advance the appropriate actions to achieve those goals? - -
- is the effort to maintain the natural environment while effectively
managing today's business and building tomorrow's business opportunities. -
- The monetary amount associated with how well a job, task, good, or
service meets users' needs is called Blank______. - -value
- The management function of organizing includes Blank______. - -
assembling and coordinating all resources needed to achieve goals
- The management function that involves the manager's efforts to stimulate
high performance by employees is called Blank______. - -leading
- The management function of monitoring performance and making needed
changes is called Blank______. - -controlling
- The better you meet users' needs, the more Blank______ you deliver. - -
- What happens if as a manager, you fail to perform all four management
functions? (Select every correct answer.) - -You may not know if you are
headed on the right track in meeting goals.,You will not reach your full
potential as a manager.,You may fail to inspire employees to perform at high
- Gathering and coordinating human, financial, physical, informational, and
other resources needed to achieve goals is the function of management
called Blank______. - -organizing
- The ability to motivate and communicate effectively with employees is
called Blank______. - -leading
- What is the definition of controlling? - -supervising performance and
making needed changes
- To which of the managerial functions should managers devote adequate
attention and resources? - -planning, organizing, leading, and controlling
- Senior executives responsible for the overall management and
effectiveness of the organization are called Blank______ managers. - -top-
, - Which is a true statement about middle-level managers? - -They are
responsible for taking corporate objectives and breaking them down into
specific activities.
- Frontline managers are Blank______. - -lower-level managers who
supervise the operational activities of the organization
- What are the roles and responsibilities of successful managers? (Select
every correct answer.) - -They are able to think strategically and translate
strategies into objectives.,They have knowledge of all business
functions.,They focus on serving customers both inside and outside their
firm.,They are accountable for results.
- Which statements about must-have management skills are true? (Select
every correct answer.) - -Without technical, conceptual, and communication
skills, a manager will not succeed.,Managers need a variety of skills to
perform their roles well.
- What do top-level managers in an organization do? (Select every correct
answer.) - -focus on long-term issues,emphasize the survival, growth, and
overall effectiveness of the organization
- Which level of management is responsible for translating the general goals
and plans developed by strategic managers into more specific objectives and
activities? - -middle-level managers
- What are frontline managers also commonly referred to as? - -lower-level
managers,operational managers,supervisors
- Successful managers Blank______. - -have broad responsibilities
- What are the three essential categories of skills for successful managers? -
-conceptual and decision skills,interpersonal and communication
skills,technical skills
- Which statement about technical skills is true? - -They are focused on
performing specialized tasks as part of a process.
- The ability to deal effectively with your emotions, make good decisions,
and exercise self-control is referred to as Blank______. - -emotional
- Which statements about generalists and specialists are correct? (Select
every correct answer.) - -Generalists are knowledgeable about a variety of
disciplines.,It is recommended to be both a specialist and a
generalist.,Specialists are experts in something.