MGMT 3000 Exam 3|Questions with
Accurate Solutions
Power - -Power is the ability to affect the behavior of others
- What are the various forms of power? - -POSITIONAL OR PERSONAL;
Positional Power: Legitimate power (Power that is based on the formal
position an individual holds in an organization), Reward power (Power that
gives someone the ability to reward another for his or her behavior),
Coercive power (Power that gives someone the ability to punish another for
his or her behavior). (Can build resentment); or Personal Power: Expert
power (Power based on an individual having specialized knowledge or skills,
Referent power (Power based on identification, imitation, loyalty, or are liked).
- What is empowerment and what are the benefits? - -Empowerment is the
process of sharing power with subordinates and pushing decision making
and implementation to the lowest possible level, increasing the influence and
autonomy of all employees. BENEFITS: Faster decisions...less bureaucracy,
more informed decisions...closer to the process knowledge, higher job
satisfaction, making a difference
- Is leadership a role or a position? What are some of the differences
between management and leadership? - --Leadership is a role. Leadership
sets vision & direction, aligns people with vision & strategies, motivates &
inspires, and produces change. Leadership is a skill, a competency that can
be learned and developed.
-Management plans & budgets, organizes & staffs people, solves problems,
controls & produces predictability and order. Management has more to do
with authority.
- What is the leadership (managerial) grid? - -How much concern you have
for people and production, getting things done and the people that get those
things done (People y axis; production x axis)
- What is House's Path-Goal theory? - -The Path-Goal Theory is how leaders
motivate followers (the paths) to achieve designated goals. Suggests that
managers can use four types of leader behavior to clarify subordinates'
paths to goal attainment. Assumes that leaders can change their styles to
match the situation (environment) or characteristics of the followers.
- What are types of leadership styles according to House's PGT? - -Directive
style; Supportive style; Participative style; Achievement style
, - What is the Leader-Member Exchange theory? - -Leaders treat each
member differently, resulting in unique relationships with each member. In-
groups: favored subordinates, interesting tasks, greater responsibility and
authority, more tangible rewards and more resources. Out-groups: expected
to simply comply, do what is required of them, receive standard benefits of
the job
- What is Servant leadership? - -A calling to serve. It begins with caring for
and wanting to help others. Caring principle...focus on followers need.
Leaders are servants first. Flip the organizational chart (frontline workers are
at the top, then managers and supervisors, and then top executives).
- What is the secret? - -Great leaders SERVE. "A person can serve without
leading, but a leader cannot lead without serving"
- What is the leadership meaning of the iceberg metaphor? - -It's more
about what you don't see...Below the water line, we may not see a person's
character, relationships, or servant heart...but you may experience it!
Character (being) makes up 90% of the iceberg and is under the water line.
Above the water line is Skills (Doing) which only makes up 10% of the
iceberg. We see those who SERVE. The key skill is listening.
- What does See the Future mean? What is heads up versus heads down? - -
Seeing the Future is all about developing and continuously communicating a
compelling vision of the future. This includes goals, strategies, organizational
values for the company.
- What does Engage and Develop Others mean? - -Get the right people, in
the right jobs (focus on finding the right fit of skills and job needs). Level of
buy in for the cause or work (Hands, head, and heart), Passion (what fires
you up about the job), Job Challenge and Growth
- What does Reinvent Continuously mean? - -Reinvent continuously on
personal level (best leaders are the best learners--enhance skills and
knowledge). Reinvent continuously systems and processes--finding ways to
work better, faster, less cost and figuring what needs to change to improve
results. Structural Reinvention-- organizational structure - adaptable and
flexible? Figuring out what needs to be structured differently to improve
- What does Value Results and Relationships mean? - -Two tests of a great
leader: Do they get results? the challenge, Do they have
followers?...have support; Great leaders have high expectations for results
and relationships: They value relationships by listening, investing time,
caring deeply, accentuate the positives