Bell, Bryman & Harley: Business Research Methods, 5th edition
Correct answers are marked with an asterisk (*).
Type: multiple response question
Title: Chapter 27 - Question 01
01) What are the two main arguments against the use of mixed methods research? Please select all
that apply.
Feedback: The idea that research methods carry epistemological commitments; The idea that
quantitative and qualitative research are separate paradigms.
Page reference: 569
a. That it’s too much work
*b. That research methods carry epistemological commitments
*c. That quantitative and qualitative are separate paradigms
d. That researchers rarely have both skills
Type: true-false
Title: Chapter 27 - Question 02
02) The term mixed methods stands for research that integrates qualitative and quantitative research
within a single project.
*a. True
Feedback: The term mixed methods research is used as simple shorthand to stand for research that
integrates quantitative and qualitative research within a single project.
Page reference: 569
b. False
The term mixed methods research is used as simple shorthand to stand for research that integrates
quantitative and qualitative research within a single project.
Page reference: 569
Type: multiple response question
Title: Chapter 27 - Question 03
03) Which of the following are versions of the debate about the nature of qualitative and quantitative
research? Please select all that apply.
Feedback: There would seem to be two different versions of the debate about the nature of
quantitative and qualitative research, and these two different versions have implications in writers’
minds about whether or not the two can be combined.
An epistemological version, as in the embedded methods argument and the paradigm argument, sees
quantitative and qualitative research as grounded in incompatible epistemological principles (and
onto- logical ones too, but these tend not to be given as much attention). According to this version of
their nature, mixed methods research is not possible.
A technical version, which is the position taken by most researchers whose work is mentioned in the
next section, gives greater prominence to the strengths of the data collection and data analysis
techniques with which quantitative and qualitative research are each associated and sees these as
capable of being fused. There is a recognition that quantitative and qualitative research are each
connected with distinctive epistemological and ontological assumptions, but the connections are not
viewed as fixed and ineluctable. Research methods are perceived, unlike in the epistemological
version of the debate, as autonomous. A research method from one research strategy is viewed as
capable of being pressed into the service of another. Indeed, in some instances, as will be seen in the
next section, the notion that there is a ‘leading’ research strategy in a mixed methods investigation
may not even apply in some cases.
Page reference: 570
*a. A philosophical version
b. A psychological version
*c. A technical or practical version
d. A sociological version
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, Bell, Bryman & Harley: Business Research Methods, 5th edition
Type: true-false
Title: Chapter 27 - Question 04
04) Mixed methods research is rare in business research and is very difficult to publish.
a. True
Feedback: Mixed methods research has become an increasingly used and accepted approach to
conducting business research and in the social sciences more generally.
Page reference: 571
*b. False
Feedback: Mixed methods research has become an increasingly used and accepted approach to
conducting business research and in the social sciences more generally.
Page reference: 571
Type: multiple choice question
Title: Chapter 27 - Question 05
05) Which of the following has not been a focus for writers concerned with mixed methods research?
a. The priority and order through quantitative and qualitative research were carried out
Feedback: The three foci are:
1. The priority and order through which quantitative research and qualitative research were carried
2. The different types of mixed methods design.
3. The purpose(s) of doing mixed methods research. This section will be structured in terms of a
classification Bryman developed many years ago of the different ways in which mixed methods
research has been undertaken (Bryman 1988a, 1992). The classification has been changed slightly
from the one presented in his earlier publications.
Page reference: 571
*b. Which method offers the superior insight into the nature of reality
Feedback: The three foci are:
1. The priority and order through which quantitative research and qualitative research were carried
2. The different types of mixed methods design.
3. The purpose(s) of doing mixed methods research. This section will be structured in terms of a
classification Bryman developed many years ago of the different ways in which mixed methods
research has been undertaken (Bryman 1988a, 1992). The classification has been changed slightly
from the one presented in his earlier publications.
Page reference: 571
c. The different types of mixed methods design
Feedback: The three foci are:
1. The priority and order through which quantitative research and qualitative research were carried
2. The different types of mixed methods design.
3. The purpose(s) of doing mixed methods research. This section will be structured in terms of a
classification Bryman developed many years ago of the different ways in which mixed methods
research has been undertaken (Bryman 1988a, 1992). The classification has been changed slightly
from the one presented in his earlier publications.
Page reference: 571
d. The purpose of doing mixed methods research
Feedback: The three foci are:
1. The priority and order through which quantitative research and qualitative research were carried
2. The different types of mixed methods design.
3. The purpose(s) of doing mixed methods research. This section will be structured in terms of a
classification Bryman developed many years ago of the different ways in which mixed methods
research has been undertaken (Bryman 1988a, 1992). The classification has been changed slightly
from the one presented in his earlier publications.
Page reference: 571
Type: multiple response question
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, Bell, Bryman & Harley: Business Research Methods, 5th edition
Title: Chapter 27 - Question 06
06) What are the two key decisions facing those engaged in mixed methods research? Please select
all that apply.
Feedback: Several writers (e.g. D. L. Morgan 1998b, 2014) have distinguished various forms of
Mixed methods research in terms of two issues:
The priority decision. How far is a qualitative or a quantitative method the principal data-gathering
tool, or do they have equal weight?
The sequence decision. Which method precedes which? In other words, does the qualitative method
precede the quantitative one or vice versa, or is the data collection associated with each method
Page reference: 571
*a. The priority decision
b. The software decision
c. The epistemological decision
*d. The sequence decision
Type: true-false
Title: Chapter 27 - Question 07
07) The convergent parallel design system gives more priority to quantitative than qualitative research
in the design of a project.
a. True
Feedback: The Convergent Parallel Design entails the simultaneous collection of quantitative and
qualitative data which have equal priority.
Page reference: 573
*b. False
Feedback: The Convergent Parallel Design entails the simultaneous collection of quantitative and
qualitative data which have equal priority.
Page reference: 573
Type: true-false
Title: Chapter 27 - Question 08
08) The exploratory sequential design entails the collection of qualitative data prior to the collection of
quantitative data.
*a. True
Feedback: The Exploratory Sequential Design entails the collection of qualitative data prior to the
collection of quantitative data.
Page reference: 574
b. False
Feedback: The Exploratory Sequential Design entails the collection of qualitative data prior to the
collection of quantitative data.
Page reference: 574
Type: true-false
Title: Chapter 27 - Question 09
09) The explanatory sequential design entails the collection and analysis of qualitative data followed
by quantitative data to substantiate the findings.
a. True
Feedback: The Explanatory Sequential Design entails the col- lection and analysis of quantitative
data followed by the collection and analysis of qualitative data in order to elaborate or explain the
quantitative findings.
Page reference: 574
*b. False
Feedback: The Explanatory Sequential Design entails the col- lection and analysis of quantitative
data followed by the collection and analysis of qualitative data in order to elaborate or explain the
quantitative findings.
Page reference: 574
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, Bell, Bryman & Harley: Business Research Methods, 5th edition
Type: true-false
Title: Chapter 27 – Question 10
10) The embedded design can have either quantitative or qualitative as the priority approach but
draws on the other approach as well in the context of the study.
*a. True
Feedback: The Embedded Design can have either quantitative or qualitative research as the priority
approach but draws on the other approach as well within the context of a study.
Page reference: 574
b. False
Feedback: The Embedded Design can have either quantitative or qualitative research as the priority
approach but draws on the other approach as well within the context of a study.
Page reference: 574
Type: true-false
Title: Chapter 27 - Question 11
11) Triangulation implies that the results of an investigation employing a method associated with one
research strategy are cross-checked against the results of using a method associated with the other
research strategy.
*a. True
Feedback: The idea of triangulation has been previously encountered in Key concept 17.4. When
applied to the present context, it implies that the results of an investigation employing a method
associated with one research strategy are cross-checked against the results of using a method
associated with the other research strategy.
Page reference: 574
b. False
Feedback: The idea of triangulation has been previously encountered in Key concept 17.4. When
applied to the present context, it implies that the results of an investigation employing a method
associated with one research strategy are cross-checked against the results of using a method
associated with the other research strategy.
Page reference: 574
Type: multiple response question
Title: Chapter 27 - Question 12
12) How can qualitative research facilitate quantitative research? Please select all that apply.
Feedback: There are several ways in which qualitative research can be used to guide quantitative
• Providing hypotheses. Because of its tendency towards an unstructured, open-ended
approach to data collection, qualitative research is often very helpful as a source of
hypotheses or hunches that can be subsequently tested using a quantitative research
• Aiding measurement. The in-depth knowledge of social contexts acquired through qualitative
research can be used to inform the design of survey questions for structured interviewing and
self-completion questionnaires.
Page reference: 576
*a. Provides hypothesis
*b. Aids measurement
c. Confirms theories
d. Tests hypothesis
Type: true-false
Title: Chapter 27 - Question 13
13) Quantitative research brings out a static picture of social life while qualitative is more processual
*a. True
Feedback: One of the contrasts suggested by Table 17.1 is that, whereas quantitative research tends
to bring out a static picture of social life, qualitative research is more processual.
Page reference: 578
b. False
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