Elevator Mechanic Exam Review|Comprehensive
questions and verified answers/accurate
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A contractor wants to raise the car speed from 100fpm to 125fpm, it currently has a 12"
sheave. What sheave is required? - ✔✔ANSWER✔✔>>Diam=12" 12/4=3" 25fpm=3"
100fpm + 25fpm= 12"+3"= 15" sheave
A MOV (Metal Oxide Varistor) burns out. You replace it, but cannot read voltage or
resistance. What should you do? - ✔✔ANSWER✔✔>>Replace it with a larger MOV
On a Ward-Leonard circuit the break is set, but the motor is trying to slip through the
break. What is the issue? - ✔✔ANSWER✔✔>>Suicide Circuit
You have an old DC motor and are adding an SCR drive, what do you do to the
interpoles? - ✔✔ANSWER✔✔>>Leave the interpoles alone. When adding a SCR drive
to the generator, the series loop is removed, as are the 3 resistors. Everything else
remains the same
A hydro runs up with no load, but will not run with a full load. What is the issue? -
✔✔ANSWER✔✔>>The relief valve is set too low
Runby for a 1:1 hits the CWT buffer 4" below the top landing. CWT runby should be set
at 18". How much should the ropes be shortened? - ✔✔ANSWER✔✔>>22"
You need to work on a freight door retiring cam, you LOTO the main line but there is still
power on the cam. What circuit is still hot? - ✔✔ANSWER✔✔>>Door Operator
Disconnect/ Main Line Disconnect
The contractor requests that the vertical center of a Rack and Pinion hoist be moved.
How do you do this? - ✔✔ANSWER✔✔>>Adjust Tie Downs and Wall Ties
Working pressure on a Hydro is 400psi. What is the maximum relief valve setting? -
✔✔ANSWER✔✔>>400psi x 150%= 600psi
What must be installed on a false car before operation? - ✔✔ANSWER✔✔>>Spring
Loaded Safeties.
,There is slight arcing between the brush and commutator. What action must be taken? -
Heavy arcing=Light brush pressure. Heavy bush pressure=mechanical wear
If rigging gear is roped 3:1 and a BEAM CLAMP is used to lift a 6,000lb load. What is
the beam capacity? - ✔✔ANSWER✔✔>>18,000lbs. Beam capacity is cut in half with
use of clamp, when rigging all blocks, rope, and clamps will be Equal to the lowest load
How much resistance is measured over a normally closed switch? -
✔✔ANSWER✔✔>>1.2ohms. should be zero, but will never be that low
A car traveling in the hoistway always stops at the same spot and blows a fuse. What
causes this? - ✔✔ANSWER✔✔>>Traveling cable has a cut/exposed wire or a short
How is a class 1 yearly buffer test preformed? - ✔✔ANSWER✔✔>>Car at bottom
landing and on inspection, jump out direction and final limits. With pit clear, run down to
compress buffers, buffers should fully extend within 90 seconds.
5yr: Full load Full speed
CWT: Full speed Empty
How many strain supports are required on a 350ft raceway? - ✔✔ANSWER✔✔>>4. 1
every 100ft
How is stainless steel drilled out? - ✔✔ANSWER✔✔>>Slow speed and constant
What is the required amount of retainer clips for wedge shackles and what is the
spacing? - ✔✔ANSWER✔✔>>Minimum 2 clips. 1st at a maximum 4x the diameter of
the rope
2nd at a maximum 8x the diameter above the 1st clip
A 300ohm resistor burns out, but you don't have another one. How can you make one?
- ✔✔ANSWER✔✔>>2 600ohm resistors in parallel is 300ohms. Resistance is half of
highest resistor in parallel circuit.
3 225ohm resistors in parallel is 75ohms.
Escalator demarcation lights are required by code for what reason? -
✔✔ANSWER✔✔>>To provide passengers with a visual indication when entering and
exiting the unit.
While adjusting a passenger elevator door operator with a PERMANENT MAGNENT
DC motor. Which operation would you perform to control the motor? -
✔✔ANSWER✔✔>>Speed and Torque control is accomplished by varying armature
current and voltage only
, SHUNT MOTORS: shunt voltage increases, torque increases, speed decrease. Shunt
voltage decreased, torque decrease, speed increase Armature voltage increase,
rotation speed increase affecting door speed and torque.
What does ASME code specify regarding clearance between skirt panel and the side of
the step tread? - ✔✔ANSWER✔✔>>Skirt board switches required at upper and lower
ends. Gap no more than 3/16"
After receiving an inspection report, one violation is door closing force. After checking
you read 50lb of door force, is this code? How do you make it code compliant? -
✔✔ANSWER✔✔>>Not code. Code is 30lb or less. To fix it you need to adjust the
torque/speed of door operator
You momentarily actuate the motor starting relay, the direction of rotation is not correct,
what can be done to change rotation direction? - ✔✔ANSWER✔✔>>Reverse any 2
leads of incoming motor phases.
Before you can move a piston on a hydro, what precautions must be taken? -
✔✔ANSWER✔✔>>Check the piston for debris and tightness of the head, make sure pit
is clear
You are preparing to hoist the car for cable installation, before doing this, what needs to
be installed? - ✔✔ANSWER✔✔>>The governor cable
While on service you observe the mechanical style safety edges on center opening
doors bumping into each other, reopening the doors. Where do you need to look to
repair this problem? - ✔✔ANSWER✔✔>>The safety edge retraction mechanism
You are about to trouble shoot an elevator that is off, what print would help to make it
easier to trace the circuits? - ✔✔ANSWER✔✔>>Straight Line Diagram
The fuses on a 3 phase input to DC direct drive are open, and the elevator will not run,
what needs to be done to check for a shorted SCR? - ✔✔ANSWER✔✔>>Remove the
SCR, connect +lead to Anode, -lead to cathode, jumper between ANODE & GATE .7v if
good. Remove jumper and it should stay on, remove a lead should read infinite
Trouble shooting a 3 input AND gate, all inputs are high, but the gate output is low.
What is the problem? - ✔✔ANSWER✔✔>>Faulty gate. Truth table says output should
be high.
When going to a trouble call you find that the machine room has 2 inches of water in it,
what is the first thing you do? - ✔✔ANSWER✔✔>>Leave the Machine room