P4 - Design a six-week exercise programme for two selected contrasting clients
Exercise Intensity
Week 1 Session Warm up, Main component & cool down
length (including activities & time per activity)
Rate of Maximum Heart
Perceived Rate
Steady walk for 10 minutes, this will raise the heart rate and increase the body’s temperature. 1 188
Dynamic stretches: lunges, side lunges, high knees, open and close gates. 3 reps of each
stretch to be completed.
Monday 30 minutes
Rest period for 3 minutes.
Treadmill for 10 minutes: this session will consist of walking only, reaching a maximum speed
level of 3.0. Will begin at 1.0 to 2.0 to 3.0 for 3:30 seconds at a time.
Cool down will consist of slow walking for a few minutes
Steady walk around the swimming pool to warm up, for around 5 minutes. 2 188
Walk in the shallow part of the pool for 5 minutes as this will take a little more effort than
walking normally.
Wednesda 35 minutes
y Slow swim, working on correct form in the pool for 20 minutes, this is great for John because
swimming is a non-weight bearing exercise and great for weight loss.
Static stretches to cool down after the swim. Stretches will include bicep stretch, triceps
stretch, neck extension stretch and quadriceps stretch for 5 minutes.
Dynamic stretching while at work or home, just to improve joint mobility for next week’s 1 188
exercises. This will be done for around 10 minutes.
10 minutes
Friday Stretches include front swings, lunge torso twists, arm push-backs, march and reach and
adductor stretches. John will do 3 reps of each stretch.
, Week 2 Session Exercise Intensity
length Warm up, Main component & cool down
(including activities & time per activity)
Rate of Maximum Heart
Perceived Rate
Rowing machine in the gym for 10 minutes, not concentrating on speed or distance, but form. 1 188
This will prepare John’s body for the main component of the session.
Tuesday 40 minutes
Slow walk to fast walk on the field outside for 25 minutes. John will walk for the first 5 minutes
and the walk at a faster pace, switching between fast and slow 5 times overall.
Slow walk back to finish the session for 5 minutes.
Treadmill warm-up for 5 minutes with speed on 3.0. 2 188
Thursday John will then go up and down the flight of stairs 5 times, each time adding 2.5kg to his
40 minutes backpack. This should take around 10 minutes and end with John carrying 12.5kg.
John will then go on the cycling machine for 20 minutes. He will start at an intensity of 4 and
go up 2 levels every 5 minutes, finishing on the level of 12, which is mid-way to the top level.
Dynamic stretches for 5 minutes, mainly concentrating on the legs. Stretches include front
swings, side swings, open and close gates, toe taps and arm lunges.
John will do a few leg stretches before going on his cycling ride for around 5 minutes. 2 188
Stretches include forward lunges, side lunges and knee kicks.
Friday 25 minutes
John will cycle for around 20 minutes, this may be slow as it is his first time cycling on the
road and it will take a bit of time for him to get used to it. John should cover 3-4 miles.
Towards the end of his trip, he will slow down; this will count as his cool-down.