*P5 is a task that will be done in class with your teacher, so it is not included*
Uniformed Public Services Level 3
Unit 32: Instructing Physical Activity and Exercise
M3: Explain choice of activities for the planned exercise session
D2: Justify choice of activities for the planned exercise session and suggest alternative activities
I am going to cover M3 by explaining my choice of activities for the session I presented to other
students in my class, I will be covering the activities for the warm-up, main component and cool-
down. In addition to this, I will also cover D2 by justifying my choice of activities and suggesting
alternatives to each exercise.
I wanted to make the warm-up for this session fun so I decided to choose bulldog. I chose this as my
warm-up because it involves different speeds like jogging and running. This activity also requires the
use of stamina and agility to get past the ‘bulldog’. I also chose this for the warm-up because it is
fairly easy and quick to set up, only requiring a single coloured bib. Bulldog worked well with our
group because everyone took part and it was an activity that is suitable for people of all fitness
levels. If I didn’t decide to choose bulldog, an alternative to this could have been ‘stuck of in the
mud’ which is similar and also tests the cardiovascular fitness of an individual. Like bulldog, stuck in
the mud can also be used as a warm-up because it increases the temperature of the body and makes
the heart rate increase before the main component of the session.
The picture on the left shows how bulldog is
played. This is also shown in the session plan
attached. This went well and the participants
found it fun and competitive.
For the main component, I chose several exercises ranging from competitive exercises to circuit
training, I decided to structure the main component like this so there was a wider range of workouts
completed within the time frame. There were three parts to the main component, including;
Tug of War:I chose the tug of war because it is a competitive exercise which tests the body’s overall
strength, especially the muscles in the arms and legs. I also chose this exercise because it was fun.
Looking back at this during the session, I can see that it worked very well as everyone got included
and we managed to make the teams even so it was more motivating. Another reason for choosing
this as part of the main component is because the members of each team have to work together,
the pull at the same time. If it was raining outside and a contingency plan was put in place, an
alternative to the tug of war could have been the rowing machine, because it simulates the same
upper-body pulling style and can also be made as competitive as the tug of war by measuring the
furthest distance rowed by a member.
Sprinting Race: I chose a sprinting race for the second part of the main component as it will really
test the participant’s cardiovascular fitness as well as their agility. This part worked well because the