Effective Communication
Radio Interview
It is important to research an interesting topic that you will talk about to the audience, this is
because you don’t want to be a boring person to listen to, as then many listeners will switch
off the radio. Therefore, it’s important to have some idea of what the radio host might ask
Communicating accurately, when you are talking to the listeners make sure you’re talking to
one person rather than a group of audience. This will mean that the listeners will pay more
attention as they will feel included, as a person is talking to them, and will feel like they are
participating in the interview, as a third party.
Another factor that has to be considered is to know your audience. Knowing your audience
will help you decide on what topic you will talk about and the audience will feel more
interested in what you are saying, because you’ll be reaching into their interests. You must
choose the correct approach of language that you will use during this interview for example,
children may be listening, so you wouldn’t use foul language as you are a role model.
Reach out to your audience using social media. This is because nowadays social media has
a big impact on connecting people all over the world, therefore reaching out to people on
social media will result in more listeners. In this case to achieve this you would have to
advertise on your social media that you are having an interview.
One of the hardest but most important things is to pre-read your script. This is because if you
don’t do that then you might panic on what to say and you will have to improvise. But also,
you might repeat yourself or say something wrong, which could make the situation quite
awkward and embarrassing for you.
TV and Media Interview
First thing that you should do is to research the TV show that you are attending the interview
in. This will give you knowledge that you can use to your advantage, such as in what way do
you have to be dressed for this interview, casual or formal? Is the interview serious or just a
conversation? Will the interview be based more on your profession, or personal life?
Communicating accurately to the audience and the presenter is crucial in a TV interview.
This is because you need to be clearly understood by the audience, therefore, you will need
to keep a steady pace when talking with clear explanation on the topic. This time you will
have to adapt the way you’re talking to the way the host is talking. For example if the host
adds a joke in some sentences, you have the chance to talk in the same way too.
Whilst giving a TV type of media interview you must adapt your body language. This comes
under your personal delivery to the audience. As on TV the audience can see you, it’s
important to have good body language that suits the TV show and the interviews. For
example, if the interview is informal, your body language should be calm and relaxed.
Similarly, to the radio interview you need to time your sentence correctly, especially if it’s a
formal interview, as then you need to show respect and listen carefully. However, if it’s an
informal talk show, then it will be more relaxed as it’s more of a conversation. Appearance is