Science, Engineering & Technology
Learner Name Assessor Name
Date Issued Completion Date Submitted On
Qualification Unit
Unit 10: Properties and Applications of Engineering
BTEC Level 3 Diploma in Engineering
Assignment number and title:
Assignment 2: Properties, Processing and Selection of Materials
In this assignment you will have opportunities to provide evidence against the following criteria, Indicate the
page numbers where the evidence can be found
Criteria To achieve the criteria the evidence must show that the student
Task no. (Assessor to
Reference is able to
initial & date)
Describe mechanical, physical, thermal and electrical and
P3 magnetic properties and state one practical application of 1
each property in an engineering context
Describe the effects on the properties and behaviour of
P4 processing metals, polymers, ceramics and composites and 2
of post-production use of smart materials.
Use information sources to select a different material for
P5 two given applications, describing the criteria considered in 3
the selection process.
Justify your selection of an engineering material for one 4
given application describing the reasons the selection
meets the criteria.