P5: Explain how approaches to health promotion and protection have been applied in a selected
health promotion campaign.
P6: Explain how approaches to prevention and control have been applied in a selected campaign.
M4 Assess the success of approaches used to promote and protect health and prevent disease in a
: selected health promotion campaign.
D2: Justify the approaches used to promote and protect health and prevent disease in a selected
health promotion campaign.
In this assignment I will be explaining approaches to health promotion and protection in Change4Life
and explain approaches to health prevention and control in Change4Life. I will moreover be assessing
the success of approaches used in Change4Life and justify the approaches used to promote health and
prevent disease in Change4Life.
P5: Explain how approaches to health promotion and protection have been applied in a
selected health promotion campaign.
I will first be explaining how approaches to health promotion and protection have been applied in the
Change4Life’s health promotion campaign. Health protection is a concept used in the Public Health
framework to cover a set of activities. This includes: maintaining the safety and quality of food, water,
air and the general environment and preventing communicable disease transmission. Health promotion
is the method of allowing individuals to exercise control over health determinants and thus improve
their health. Health prevention and control applies to activities aimed at preventing a disease from
arising (this may include health improvement measures by modifying the health impact of social and
economic determinants).
Health promoters ' goal is to improve people's and communities ' health. Wellbeing promoters include
global organisations such as the World Health Organization and national governments, local health
authorities, local government, and specialist departments investigating specific health aspects.
(Pearsonschoolsandfecolleges.co.uk, 2019) Change4Life intends to assist families to lead healthier lives
by eating well and being more active. Change4Life is now a trusted and acknowledged brand, with 97%
of mothers with children aged 5-11 associating it with healthy eating. Change4Life is England's first ever
national campaign to eliminate obesity through social marketing. In designing it, the Department of
Health and its partners utilised scientific and corporate resources to develop it, behaviour change
theories and data from other effective behavioural change programmes, and funded a comprehensive
and ongoing research programme among the target audiences. It led to the development of a three-year
marketing strategy for pushing, coaxing, inspiring and helping individuals through each stage of the
behavioural change path. Launched in January 2009, Change4Life concentrates on prevention and aims
to change the behaviours and circumstances that lead to weight gain, rather than being a weight-loss
programme for individuals who are already obese.
, In its initial year, Change4Life focused on families, predominantly those with children under 11. In years
two and three, the campaign has expanded to address other at-risk groups. Change4Life’s health and
wellbeing approaches are to promote, protect, prevent and control public health. (Thensmc.com, 2019)
Change4Life carries out targeted education, health awareness and health promotion. The government
(NHS) sponsors and runs Change4Life. Additionally to the information on the website, there are adverts,
an app and leaflets and so on. Targeted education (such as in schools) can increase health awareness
and promote health. Targeted education can promote the Change4Life messages to children in schools
such as the consequences of living an unhealthy lifestyle and the benefits of improving their eating
habits. There are several ways that Change4Life’s school zone promotes health such as from core
competences, toolkits for Reception, KS1, KS2, Year 6 (subject specific resources available), assembly
presentations, healthy snacks, be food smart/sugar smart: pupil/parent campaign pack, food detective
activities, fact sheets – sugar, food groups, healthy eating checklist, cooking, portion size, parents
leaflets/packs, school videos and food scanner app. They have also provided schools with physical
activity resources such as active school day resources, Disney 10 Minute Shake Up toolkits and PE lesson
Change4Life’s school zone promotes health as Change4Life is helping primary schools to be food smart.
Change4Life has launched a new Be Food Smart campaign to help children and their families figure out
how much sugar, saturated fat and salt they eat and drink in their daily lives. Change4Life has created a
new set of resources to support the campaign to help pupils in Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 understand
what's in their food and how to make healthier choices. The tools will allow teachers to deliver
interactive, engaging, and real-life lessons built around the English and Math curricula, including a
curriculum-linked assembly, classroom events, a pupil-led initiative, and a series of fun films showcasing
the new Be Food Smart app. Through simply checking everyday products to expose their sugar,
saturated fat and salt content, teachers can use the new Be Food Smart app to help bring the lesson
activities to life. You can download the app from the App Store or Google Play free of charge. Schools
are also encouraged to run their own Be Food Smart pupil-led campaign to help other students, parents
and the wider community understand how food choices influence our wellbeing and how healthy
choices can be made. (Schoolwellbeing.co.uk, 2019)
Change4Life offers a variety of versatile educational services across different subject areas – intended to
be used throughout the school year to enable pupils to develop healthier lifestyle habits. For example, in
exploring Sugar Smart World, English teachers will help develop the literacy skills of pupils – including
phonics, vocabulary, grammar, punctuation, and imaginative and persuasive writing. These tools will
help students understand how much sugar there is in everyday food and drink, and find out about
delicious, healthy alternatives. For mathematics, interactive PowerPoints are given to help deliver an
entertaining math lesson to discover how much sugar is in daily food and drink, and to learn about
healthy alternatives, while practising math skills such as addition, subtraction, division and
multiplication. PowerPoints are provided for science in order to allow Key Stage 1 and 2 pupils to set up
a simple science experiment to determine how sugar can affect teeth and help make better choices
about staying healthy. (Campaignresources.phe.gov.uk, 2019) Change4Life’s school zone moreover
helps children in schools to be physically active. By providing Disney inspired resources for teachers,