1 : Les aspects positifs d’une société diverse
1.1 – l’enrichissement dû à la mixité ethnique Réparer To rectify
Apport (m) Contribution Requête Request
Assimilation (f) Integration Rompre le bail To break the lease
Assurer Link Statut (m) Status
Coexister To live together Supprimer To put an end to
Colocation (f) House or flat sharing Tâche (f) Task, duty
Conduire à To lead to Toucher To receive
Contester To argue Valoir mieux To be worth more
Contrôle (m) Control, checking Volonté (f) (de bonne volonté) Will (willing)
S’empirer To worsen 1.3 – diversité – un apprentissage pour la vie
Enumération (f) Catalogue, list Accomplir To accomplish
Etendard (m) Standard, flag Accorder To grant
Exercer To exert Adhérer à To stick to
Favoriser To favour, promote Administration (f) Management
À la fois At the same time Amorcer un virage To take a turn
Franchir To break through, cross Appartenance (f) culturelle Cultural belonging
Indiscutable Unquestionable Biaisé(e) Biased
Inéluctable Inevitable Concitoyen(ne) (m/f) Fellow citizen
Insoluble Without a solution Conte (m) de fées Fairy tale
Se manifester To show Contestation (f) Dispute, challenge
Meurtrier(-ère) Deadly Se croiser To intersect
Paisible Peaceful Déficience (f) Deficiency
Particularité (f) Unique quality Demeurer To remain
Perte (f) Loss Désormais From this point on
Prévoir To foresee S’effacer To disappear
Reconnaissance (f) Recognition Embaucher To employ
Singularité (f) Uniqueness Englober To encompass
Songer To think about Se faire remarquer To get oneself noticed
Souhaitable Desirable Haute direction (f) Upper management
Tenir à To believe in Hautement éduqué(e) Very well educated
1.2 – diversité, tolérance, et respect Légitimation (f) Legitimisation
Appartenir à To belong to Mettre l’accent sur To stress
Arbitrer To arbitrate Misogyne Woman-hating, misogynous
Ascendance (f) Ancestry Ouvert(e) d’esprit Open-minded
Assurances (fpl) Insurance Parcourir To cover
Atout (m) Asset Préconiser To advocate, recommend
Charte (f) Charter Se réaliser To happen, become real
Colloque (m) Conference Sous-culture (f) Subculture
Condamnable Forbidden, reprehensible Synthèse (f) Mix, synthesis
Conviction (f) religieuse Religious belief Toutefois Nevertheless
Défavorisé(e) Underprivileged
Démuni(e) Destitute
Dossier (m) Case, file
Etat (m) civil Civil status
Fondé(e) sur Based upon
Fortement To a great extent
Interpeller To call on, call upon
En matière de On the subject of
En pratique In practice
, 2 : Quelle vie pour les marginalisés ?
2.1 – qui sont les marginalisés ? Déranger To disturb, upset
Actif(-ve) Working (person, population) Devoir (m) Duty
Atteint(e) (de) Suffering (from) Digne Worthy
Aveugle Blind Empêcher To prevent
Clochard (m) Tramp Favoriser To promote
Défavorisé(e) Underprivileged, disadvantaged Fragiliser To weaken
Déraciné(e) Uprooted, without roots Gêné(e) Embarrassed
Unknown (without their
Disposer de To have (at one’s disposal) Insu knowledge)
To understand, know about, master
En errance Wandering, roaming Maîtriser
Frange (f) Fringe, marginal group Mal à l’aise Uncomfortable
Rencontrer To meet, encounter Malentendu (m) Misunderstanding
Seuil (m) Threshold (poverty) Passant Passer-by
Toucher To affect Porter plainte To press charges
2.2 – quelle aide pour les marginalisés ? Remarquer To notice
Aborder To tackle Reprocher To reproach
Accommodement (m) Adjustment Subir To endure, put up with
Accorder To grant
Accueil (m) Reception, welcome
Allocation (f) Benefit, allowance
Aménagement (m) Modification, fitting-out
Appel (m) Appeal
Censé(e) Supposed to
Contraignent(e) Limiting, restrictive
Déçu(e) Disappointed
Démarche (f) Step, move
Dispositif (m) Measure, plan
Ecarter To rule out, remove
Fauteuil (m) roulant Wheelchair
Fonction (f) publique Civil service
Foyer (m) Hostel
S’installer To settle
Mettre à disposition To provide
Minimum vieillesse (m) Minimum old-age pension
Pôle (m) emploi Job Centre
Préconiser To recommend
Prendre en compte To take into account
Refuge (m) Shelter
Revendiquer To demand, claim
Scolarisé(e) Attending a school
Soins (mpl) Treatment (medical)
Subvention (f) Subsidy
2.3 – Quelles attitudes envers les marginalisés ?
Agresser To attack
Amitié (f) Friendship
Candidature (f) Job application
Se confier To confide
Côtoyer To rub shoulders with
Dénoncer To condemn
Déplorer To find regrettable