Sadia Hussain Unit 33
Different types of Business activities
Backing up Data
Backing up data means copying computer data such as important files and
storing them somewhere else so it can be used to restore the original data if it
is lost. Data on the computers can be lost by many different events, for
example, computers can easily catch viruses and this could cause the user to
reset everything on the computer which would lead to losing all the important
files. Hardware failure can also be a cause for data loss, computers can easily
breakdown. Natural disasters such as fire, floods can destroy the computers
taking all the important data and files with them. Moreover, hackers can hack
into the computers an steal the important files.
Losing data can be a huge issue for people, especially if someone is part of a
business and holds data on customers and all the financial information.
Customer information being stolen can cause them to lose trust in the
company, causing the business to lose customers and overall the financial
health. “94 percent of companies that experience severe data loss do not
recover” If there is a backup, businesses can easily restore the lost data, which
is why it is important to backup important files regularly in another place such
as on a USB. Backing up data saves companies from losing time and money
that is involved to recover the lost data.
There are many risks of not backing up data, but there are also many risks
involved in backing up. One is losing the device in which the data is backed up
in, such as the USB. If the data is lost on the computer and then on the UBS
due to theft or damage, there would not be any way for the data to be
recovered. The same thing goes for the iCloud/One Drive server being down;
the company would not be able to access the important information until they
work again. In order to avoid these risks, the data should be backed in several
different places together in the USB, one drive etc.
Data should be backed up in a USB as well as in another device that is kept in a
safe and secure place unable to be stolen. Data should also be backed up in
another place where it is safe from natural disasters such as free and floods.
Businesses and individuals should use good quality USB devices, such as the
ones with security features, as well as use passwords to access the files on
computer and other devices. That way, even if the data is lost on the
computer and another device, the data will be still recoverable. Businesses and