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Task 1
Different types of business information- P1……………………………………………………………………………
Analyse the different types of business information- M1……………………………………………………….
Task 2
External corporate communications- P4………………………………………………………………………………..
Appropriateness of business information- D1………………………………………………………………………..
Effectiveness of business information and communications- D2……………………………………………
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In this assignment, the organisation going to be discussed and related to is Transport For
London (will be abbreviated to TFL). To begin with, for task 1, the different types of business
information will be explained along with their sources and purposes. Then an analysation of
the different types of business information and their sources. For task 2, an evaluation of
the external corporate communications of an existing product or service will be carried out.
Following with an evaluation of the appropriateness of business information used to make
strategic decisions. To finalise, an evaluation of the effectiveness of the business
information and its communication as key contributors to the success of an organisation,
using examples to illustrate these points.
Task 1
Different types of business information- P1
There are many different types of business information with different sources and purposes.
Information is defined as the knowledge of specific events or situations that has been
gathered or received by communication; intelligence or news. The first type of information
is verbal. Face-to-face communication is a very efficient, good way to communicate. It
allows one another to view body language, punctuality, which therefore means there is less
scope for misunderstandings. However, from a business perspective, there are time and
budget constraints to this type of communication as it is not always possible to meet in
person. Telephone calls can also be efficient as you are able to ask questions which means
there is also less scope for misunderstandings. There is a large range of verbal
communications. Speaking enables more complex ideas to be expressed and discussed,
along with any questions. For many people, speaking is the most comfortable method of
expression as it allows people to express their point. Any disagreements can also be easily
sorted through speech very rapidly, unlike emails which will take a much longer amount of
time. TFL may use verbal communications when developing a current form of transport. For
example, the refurbishments of trains and the new longer, direct trains on the Thames Link