Task One: Describe four different outdoor adventurous activities currently delivered
in the public services, in the space below
Activity One: Rock Climbing Activity Two: caving
This activity consists
in climbing natural or artificial rock walls. In this task you will be
given a end point to reach, so you can challenge yourself and
confront different tasks.
This activity can be done as sport and as recreational activity, so for
fun and to experience new things. It’s a great activity that will take Caving is the exploration of underground chambers and passages in the
you out of your comfort zone. This activity can be done indoor and caves, usually formed where the water has dissolved the limestone, or where
outdoor. You don’t necessarily have to be in group to do this there are soft rocks. A typical caving trip may involve climbing, abseiling,
activity, but if you want to have more fun you can do in group, this crawling, swimming and walking. Caves may vary hugely in size and shape.
if the activity is indoor. If you are doing this outdoor, you should As a sport caving includes a lot of training a lot of equipment, and with all
have a group of people with in case you need help. This can be done these stuffs the risks can be reduced to a reasonable level. Caving gives the
both for recreational or competition. The NGB for rock climbing is opportunity to see things that few people have experienced.
BMC. The British Mountaineering Council (BMC) is the national It is an exciting, challenging the
representative body for England and Wales that exists to protect the research which can be undertaken
freedoms and promote the interests of climbers, hill walkers by anyone who is reasonably fit.
and mountaineers, including ski-mountaineers. This activity is The basic equipment needed for
mostly for young people, because here you mostly need strength and caving is warm underclothes, over
coordination, and you need to be fit. You can practice this activity in suit of heavy-duty fabric, often
the Tower Pear. waterproof, suitable footwear,
helmet with light and battery,
backup light and/or battery. Basic
rules of this will be always explore
in a group of minimum 3 people,
always carry at least three sources
of light, always let someone on the
surface know where you are going
and when you plan to be back,
always double-check your gear
before going into a cave, and never
go caving under the influence of alcohol or any substance which may impair
your judgement. It can be done for competition or as a recreational activity,
usually it is more likely to be done as fun, so recreational. The BCA is
recognised by the UK Sports Council as the National Body for caving in
Great Britain. It is a federation of Regional Caving Councils, National
Bodies with specialist interests, Caving Clubs and Individual Members.
This activity is more for people between 3 to 54 years old, as long as they
feel fit enough to do it. You can practice this activity in the Woorie Hole.