Issues that need to be considered when planning computer
system maintenance
A computer system maintenance involves identifying a hidden
problem and finding a solution to put in place as soon as
possible, maintenance carried out on its own is a simple
enough procedure however, the organisation must acknowledge
the problems and conflicts that come up in this process.
Problems like privacy of data, not having a scheduled check up
of equipment, identifying problems and the steps that should
be taken when identified, so on and so forth.
Protection of Data
The privacy of information is a concern for many users,
organisation should take into consideration the privacy of
said data and not release it to other companies (selling
data). They need to be certain that their data is protected in
encrypted servers. The organisation (Cafe@Uxbridge) needs to
follow certain procedures to keep this data secure, having a
backup of the entire data is one way of securing information
incase of an accidental deletion by a new employee or
corruption of data by a hacker, this data needs to be backed
up at a regular frequency (following industry standards) so as
to maximise security. This backup needs to be stored in an
always accessible and safe location ready to use in case of an
emergency. The company needs to have an Uninterruptible Power
Supply (UPS) which is used as a backup in a power outage
situation to keep the data in record and not lose it.
Organisations need to set up access levels to files and
documents in relation to employee experience and ability, an
important piece of data shouldn’t end up in inexperienced
hands, this may lead to data being corrupted and lost. Having
physical security implemented onto these equipment can also
help in securing. Staff need to ensure the confidential data
isn’t viewed by the wrong hands, say the IT technicians trying
to fix the situation. These very technicians could misuse this
data, employees also could misuse data for personal gain.
IT technicians should only be allocated to rooms that contain
the equipment that needs to be worked on, this is to avoid
untrustworthy technicians from stealing data. When unattended,
the server rooms that contain the data of the cafe should be
locked with a key that is only unlockable by the manager, or a
number combination that is only possessed by higher member of
staff. Before the maintenance staff come to the Cafe, staff
must ensure that customer’s confidential data isn’t left
around in the printers and computers to avoid confidential
data being leaked. Staff shouldn’t hand out information of the
, company and customers to the technician unless asked to by the
manager, customers alike.
Keeping a clean working environment
The organisation needs to identify useless non working
equipment,they need to correctly dispose of non functional or
broken computer equipment following the WEEE directive which
reduces electrical waste. Staff need to make sure that
functional equipment isn’t disposed of keeping a clean working
environment will save time for employees and will keep a sense
of professionalism for the place. Having an excess amount of
equipment in which some work and some don’t will confuse the
employees and waste time in searching for one that works. This
can be done by regularly checking up on equipment, cleaning
the machines in a general way and most importantly reporting
issues as soon as possible.
The organisation needs to be certain not to leave by
confidential information in these machines, for example,
Cafe@Uxbridge disposing some of the hard drives without
burning or destroying it can leave the private information of
its clients in the drive like passwords, official documents
and so on. The data should be deleted using software that
completely eradicates any trace of the document in the system,
this includes any record of text written. Any physical copies
of official documents should be shredded immediately after
being found and disposed properly. The company needs to
salvage and reuse working and functioning parts to not waste
money. The company needs to properly dispose of each equipment
and waste in the correct way and place, disposing glass waste
in the glass bin, so on and so forth. The software that
Cafe@Uxbridge should be legal multi user license that isn’t
pirated, this should be done to avoid copyright infringement
issues with the developer of the software, the company would
have to pay unending fines and have their reputation as an
internet cafe ruined. If this software is found to be
illegitimate it needs to be uninstalled as soon as possible.
Escalation procedures
An escalation procedure is a plan that is executed in case of
an emergency, each emergency has its own escalation procedure.
If Cafe@Uxbridge were to have a fire breakout and not have an
escalation plan they would further the problem and fail in
preventing damage. Having an escalation procedure keeps
employees and staff prepared which shows professionalism to
the clients and the company's inspection team. An escalation
procedure for a fire breakout would be triggering the fire
alarm, evacuating the customers, using the extinguishers to