P4- Describe the legal and financial aspects that will affect the
start-up of the business.
GDPR 2016
This is one of the legal factors that have an affect on my business. The General Data
Protection Regulation is a legal framework that sets guidelines for the collection and
processing of personal information from individuals. This keeps the organisations data and
the individuals data protected and keeping it safe from being leaked. The organisation that
has this data hold responsibility for keeping it safe. My business isn't affected so much with
this regulation as we don't need to take our customers names, address, phone number etc.
however, sometimes we may ask for the customers email address if they would like us to send
them their receipts, any deals etc. For these customers, we collect their name, age, address
etc; and therefore we hold responsibility for making sure this information is not leaked to
other companies and the public. Also my business will have a website to show our customers
what we offer as well as who we are, however, our customers do not have to login or
anything like that, therefore we would only have to protect their ip address once they accept
going on the website. If any of the data is not backed up, the customers can raise awareness
towards this and take some legal action against the business.
Consumer rights law 2015
The consumer rights act protects customers in almost all purchases they make. The act
became a law in 2015, replacing three major pieces of consumer legislation; the sale of foods
act, unfair terms in consumer contracts regulations, and the supply of goods and services act.
It was introduced to simplify, strengthen and modernise the law, giving customers clearer
shopping rights. The law is that all products must be of satisfactory quality, fit for purpose
and as described; therefore the product needs to follow three rules, satisfactory quality, goods
shouldn't be faulty or damaged when a customer purchases them, fit for purpose, the goods
should be fit for the purpose they are supplied for and lastly, as described, the goods supplied
must match any description given to the customer. This affects my business as I may describe
the coffee in one way, however, the business will have different employees working at
different times, meaning that the employees may use a different method or accidentally put
in the wrong amount, it will change the coffee as may not taste the same and the customer
may not enjoy it or be satisfied. If a new customer had bad coffee that isn't made to my
company's usual standard, then this could mean that the customer would not want to come
again, this leads to less customers, and less sales as well as leaving a bad image.
-Health and safety laws
Electricity at work regulations 1989
This legislation places legal implications on employers to ensure the safety of electrical
devices in the workplace. The regulations dictate that all portable equipment must be
inspected regularly and tested to ensure that it is safe for use. 'Portable equipment' means any
electrical item that can be moved, which means that this regulation covers items from
computer systems and printers to kettles and televisions. This is often referred to as portable
appliance testing, PAT. There are three parts to the testing, visual inspection, earth continuity
test and the insulation test. These tests are usually carried out every 12 months to ensure the