Philosophy & Ethics: Chapter 1.1: Exam question plan
‘Aristotle’s theory of the 4 causes explains nothing.’ Discuss (30 marks)
"we do not have knowledge of a thing until we have grasped its why, that is to say, its cause."
FOR (explains nothing) AGAINST (explains something)
Fallacy of composition – error of thinking that Uses syllogism to come to conclusions
what is true of a part is true of the whole. Table
has a purpose, humans may not have a purpose
No proof that the universe has a purpose/telos Can be applied to many things, such as a
Bertrand Russel (British, a founder of analytic necklace: material = silver or gold, formal =
philosophy): things just simply exist, ‘I should chain, clasp, pendant, efficient = jeweller, final
say that the universe is just there, and that’s all’ = social status, gift, improves outfit, etc. By
Brute fact reason, Aristotle applied that to everything.
Jean-Paul Satre (French, philosophy of Purpose/final cause is a desire for God – Prime
existentialism): pointless to think that the Mover attracts everything to it.
universe has a purpose
Difficult to understand as his writings were Main concepts would be correct in the notes
actually lecture notes, not meant for
Material cause depends on empiricism/use of Aristotle uses both empiricism (material,
the senses. Senses are not reliable according to formal) and rationalism (efficient, final)
Plato – how do we know that chairs look the
same to everyone? Descartes – ‘I think,
therefore I am’
No proof that there is an efficient cause of the Prime mover is efficient cause, Christianity
universe. Humanists/atheists reject a god. Big believes in an efficient cause, creation out of
bang theory - Epicurean Thesis: everything is nothing (ex nihilo) – John 1:3 ‘All things were
down to chance. Richard Dawkins – ‘we are made through him, and without him was not
machines for propagating DNA’ any thing made that was made.’ Some
Christians say god created big bang – science
and religion can co-exist
--- Thomas Aquinas adopted some ideas from him
– Christian guy. The theory doesn’t clash with
Big Bang theory or the existence of a God
--- Aristotle says there can be several explanations
for something (scientific or religious)
Emotions have no material or formal cause, and ---
their efficient and final cause is not clear
‘Aition’ – cause