Preparation of Organic Liquid Ethyl Ethanoate
Aim: Accurately Compose and Examine the purity of Ethyl Ethanoate.
As it is comprised of two or more elements chemically combined, most specifically
Ethanol and Ethanoic Acid; Ethyl Ethanoate, also recognized as Ethyl Acetate
(CH3COOC2H5), can be identified as an organic compound.
Distinguished by the nail polish scent, the chemical emits, Ethyl Ethanoate is utilized
i. As a Solvent for Chemical Reactions
ii. In Perfumes and Fruits
iii. In Nail Polish Varnishes and Removers
iv. Decaffeination of Tea Leaves and Coffee Beans
In this experiment, one will focus on the formulation, development, and testing of Ethyl
Equipment Used
1. Anti-Bumping Granules
Decreases pressure being produced in the chemical.
2. Bottom Flask (Round)
This is a cylinder container with a small mouth, and a round base. It will be used
to hold, heat, and stir liquids.
3. Calcium Chloride
This will be utilized as a drying agent.
4. Concentrated Sulphuric Acid
A chemical that will be utilised as a catalyst, to speed up the chemical reaction,
without being used itself.
5. Conical Flask
A glass container THAT has a flat bottom, cylinder neck, and a conical body. It is
used to collect two-thirds of the finalised mixture.
6. Reflux Condenser
It permits the vapor from the mixture from the vapor to be condensed into liquid
form, and collected.
7. Clamp Stand
Used to hold test-tubes and flasks in place.
8. Ethanol
Part of the original mixture and will be utilised as a reactant.
9. Glacial Ethanoic
Part of the original mixture and will be utilised as a reactant.
10. Heating Mantle
, As an alternative to a heating bath, heating mantles will be used to heat up the
11. Measuring Cylinder
Used to measure the Volume of a liquid
12. Separating Funnel
Separate’s liquid mixtures, into two phases
13. Sodium Carbonate
Part of the original mixture and will be utilised as a reactant.
14. Stopper
Inhibits gas or liquid from escaping. Prevents contamination of product.
15. Spatula
Used to collect powder, or small granules
Risk Assessment
Hazardous Chemicals or Nature of Hazard Control Measure
Objects Being Used
1) Glassware Can break, and cause The teacher should
Conical Flask injury, such as minor or demonstrate the proper
Separating Funnel severe cuts. way to handle the
Round Bottom Flask May spill the chemicals glassware.
on the individual If a student does
handling the object become injured due to
the glassware, they
should inform a teacher,
who will seek medical
help immediately.
Wear Personal
Protective Equipment,
e.g. a lab coat, to
prevent chemicals from
spilling on skin.
2) Heating Mantle If mishandled, it can The teacher should
burn an individual’s skin. demonstrate the proper
Very high-risk if near way to handle the
flammable objects. Can heating mantle.
cause them to combust, Make sure there are
risking the environment, no flammable objects
and the people in it. placed in close vicinity
with the heating mantle.
Wear Personal
Protective Equipment, as
they will act as a first
layer of skin, reducing
the amount of damage
on may have if faced
with these risks.