, Gardening therapeutic is an outdoor
activity to help people enhance their
health and well-being. Gardening can
Music therapy is the use of music to address have many health benefits for people
the physical, emotional, cognitive and social with disabilities, and can provide them a
needs of a group or individual. Music touches source of exercise, friendship,
all aspects of the mind, body, brain and stimulation and relaxion. With planning
behaviour. It also has a variety of activities, and consideration this will create an
such as listening to melodies, dancing or accessible, productive and pleasant
playing instruments. YOUNG ADULTS WITH
activity for them. Gardening may help to
improve social skills from being involved
Music therapy will benefit the service users with PHYSICAL DISABILITIES
in groups, physical ability through
physical disabilities because music can be used improved motor skills, intellectual by
to motivate movements which is good for having a chance to learn about the
Young adults with physical disabilities can do varieties of maintaining physical functioning. The environment and nature.
involvement of music may provide a distraction
creative and therapeutic activities which are drawing,
from anxiety and also, provide opportunities for During the activity, the carers have to
music therapy and gardening.
social interact with peers through a shared make sure that they are providing easy
Drawing is a form of visual art in which a person uses experience and provide a way out for emotional and safe access to accommodate
various drawing instruments to mark paper or another self-expression. people with a range of disabilities, such
two-dimension medium which include pencils, pen as raising garden beds to help people
colours, pencils, crayons, inked brushes, erasers, This will benefit the service users with physical with physical restrictions, provide tables
disabilities as their physical abilities improve, that are wheelchair accessible where
markers and styluses.
and service users have increased opportunities they can do potting and planting
This creative activity will benefit those service users with to practice and acquire new skills and abilities. together, and use containers with
physical disabilities who have conditions with a lack of Their independence can be promoted, and self- wheels, which can be move around
communication or problem to express themselves. This confidence and self-esteem improve. easily.
activity might enable the service user to strengthen their
individuality and self-stem. Music therapy activities can be adapted Garden equipment can be adapted in
according to the individuals needs and many ways to suit people with different
During this activity, the service users will be holding and capabilities, this may involve adapting disabilities, such as interchangeable arm
handling brushes and pencils which will help regulate instruments or songs to make them more support, easy-grip garden fork, and long
the hand movements and at the same time the skills is accessible and ensure that their musical reach fork and trowel, etc.
being develop. experience can be successful, so this will
encourage them to keep participating in this
Drawing might benefit the service user with physical
disability by improving their memory and problems
solving skills, also is a good way to free themselves form
any problem or stress and have fun and excitement.