Stuvia International B.V.
Admiralengracht 60
1057 GB Amsterdam
Vertretungsberechtigte: Martijn Scheen, Jaap van Nes
Eintragung bei der "Kamer van Koophandel" (niederländische Handelskammer)
Registergericht: "Nederlands recht" ("Gericht der Niedelande" mit Sitz in Amsterdam)
Register Nummer: 61965243
Verantwortlich für den redaktionellen Inhalt der Webseite: Hugo Kuijzer (Anschrift siehe oben)
Experiences from the Stuvia Community
Brilliant way to a earn extra incomel, smooth and easy process no joke Ive earnt over 30 pounds with them so far in the few months ive been with them.

Stuvia is an amazing platform for students able to get resources for a good price to help with work. Without this platform I wouldn’t have been able to help other students.

I love Stuvia, the fact that you can sell your notes and help other students out by also monetising it and making a side income out of it is really beneficial to everyone involved and innovative.

Stuvia is a great way to earn a little extra cash and share your knowledge and resources with others.

Very helpful and good for publishing your material. This is especially if you write a lot and enjoy creating papers or e-books.

I have nothing but positive experience with sticks they’ve helped me find help for my own assignments as well as allowed me to help others
Experiences from the Stuvia Community
Brilliant way to a earn extra incomel, smooth and easy process no joke Ive earnt over 30 pounds with them so far in the few months ive been with them.
Stuvia is an amazing platform for students able to get resources for a good price to help with work. Without this platform I wouldn’t have been able to help other students.
Barnet and Southgate College (London)
I love Stuvia, the fact that you can sell your notes and help other students out by also monetising it and making a side income out of it is really beneficial to everyone involved and innovative.
University of Bristol
Stuvia is a great way to earn a little extra cash and share your knowledge and resources with others.
Wilsthorpe School
Very helpful and good for publishing your material. This is especially if you write a lot and enjoy creating papers or e-books.
Bedfordshire University
I have nothing but positive experience with sticks they’ve helped me find help for my own assignments as well as allowed me to help others