Stuvia in stories & figures

Stuvia in stories & figures

It’s pretty obvious we like Stuvia, but don’t just take our word for it. On this page you will find an overview of Stuvia in stories and figures. You can read about Stuvia in the press, you can read more about our top sellers and you can read what others have to say about Stuvia.

Stuvia in short

"Brilliant way to a earn extra incomel, smooth and easy process no joke Ive earnt over 30 pounds with them so far in the few months ive been with them."

CombSciGeo CombSciGeo

Documents sold


New Stuvia users


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Happy customers

"Stuvia is a great way to earn a little extra cash and share your knowledge and resources with others."

beckyw beckyw
Wilsthorpe School

Top sellers on Stuvia

Experiences from the Stuvia Community

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Experiences from the Stuvia Community

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“Don't study hard, study smart.”

Stuvia is a fantastic place to guarantee preparation for exams and get rid of that annoying stressful feeling. Stuvia ensures your hard work helps others and helps you earn a little extra cash at the same time that can be used to purchase educational essentials.
  • 11 months ago

    "Stuvia is an amazing platform for students able to get resources for a good price to help with work. Without this platform I wouldn’t have been able to help other students."

  • 1 year ago

    "I love Stuvia, the fact that you can sell your notes and help other students out by also monetising it and making a side income out of it is really beneficial to everyone involved and innovative."

  • 2 year ago

    "Very helpful and good for publishing your material. This is especially if you write a lot and enjoy creating papers or e-books."

  • 3 year ago

    "I have nothing but positive experience with sticks they’ve helped me find help for my own assignments as well as allowed me to help others "

  • 5 year ago

    "Its actually a really good platform left it out for too long gonna upload tones am at uni and got a lot of notes and essays to share within the sports industry!! Stuvia keep up the great work"

  • 5 year ago

    "i think its a great platform to get help for your studies. but also a great platform to earn some money"

  • 5 year ago

    "i think the company is very well with the information they provide, and have a sensible service when a customer needs help."

  • 5 year ago

    "a very good way of helping others and is also very helpful for myself as I have used it multiple times would definitely recommend to others."

  • 5 year ago

    "Great service and money as well, all your hard working at nights and days deserved to pay you back, and Stuvia is what your want to have!"

  • 5 year ago

    "I personally cannot fault Stuvia. You upload and do everything yourself and somehow people want and buy your products. It\'s great!"

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