AQA • English Literature A
Latest uploads for English Literature A at AQA. Looking for English Literature A notes at AQA? We have lots of notes, study guides and revision notes available for English Literature A at AQA.
Modules English Literature A at AQA
Notes available for the following courses of English Literature A at AQA
Popular books AQA • English Literature A
F. Scott Fitzgerald • ISBN 9781853260414
William Shakespeare • ISBN 9781541091719
Carol Ann Duffy, Duffy Carol Ann • ISBN 9781509852918
Carol Duffy, Duffy Carol Ann • ISBN 9781447206897
Pat Barker • ISBN 9780141030937
Bronte Bronte, Peruse Press • ISBN 9780241198957
Brian Gardner • ISBN 9780413595706
Thomas Adler • ISBN 9781350310124
Chinua Achebe • ISBN 9781439571545
Luke Mcbratney, Nicola Onyett • ISBN 9781471853845
Tennessee Williams • ISBN 9783425040226
Latest notes & summaries AQA • English Literature A
a detailed summary of each scene in othello with quotes
mindmap of the key elements of each act in Othello
detailed character analysis of the characters of a streetcar named desire
This essay seeks to explain a bit more about what plastic theatre is, how it is used by Williams, and how it adds to the overall effect of the play. The essay explores the 3 key concepts within plastic theatre; light, sound, costume. The essay is of an A-Level A to A* standard with the only minor comment as perhaps more word level analysis. If you are struggling to understand plastic theatre and how it is used this essay will tell you everything you need to know.
An in-depth act-by-act consolidation, featuring context but mostly Ao2!
Includes a thesis as well as key quotes and analysis to include in this essay and similar essays revolving around the 'gospel truth'.
Just a summary on the anthology :)
In depth consolidation of the poem :)
In depth consolidation of the poem :)
In depth consolidation of the poem :)