AQA • English Literature A
Latest uploads for English Literature A at AQA. Looking for English Literature A notes at AQA? We have lots of notes, study guides and revision notes available for English Literature A at AQA.
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Popular books AQA • English Literature A
F. Scott Fitzgerald • ISBN 9781853260414
William Shakespeare • ISBN 9781541091719
Carol Ann Duffy, Duffy Carol Ann • ISBN 9781509852918
Carol Duffy, Duffy Carol Ann • ISBN 9781447206897
Pat Barker • ISBN 9780141030937
Bronte Bronte, Peruse Press • ISBN 9780241198957
Brian Gardner • ISBN 9780413595706
Thomas Adler • ISBN 9781350310124
Chinua Achebe • ISBN 9781439571545
Luke Mcbratney, Nicola Onyett • ISBN 9781471853845
Tennessee Williams • ISBN 9783425040226
Latest notes & summaries AQA • English Literature A
Over 100 (easy to memorise) Othello quotes which I used throughout the course to receive an A* in my exam. The quotes are in chronological order and are split into several themes: 
-- Power: both political and private + Heroism + Pride 
--Gender: masculinity and femininity and the way it is presented and explored + Prejudice 
--Marriage/ Loyalty/ Lust/ Love 
-- Honesty and deception / appearance vs reality + Jealousy + Misunderstanding
An A/A* level essay for AQA A level English Literature NEA, gothic coursework. This essay explores the presence and power of God through gothic novels, such as 'The Monk' by Matthew Lewis and 'Melmoth the Wanderer' by Charles Maturin. This essay will also explore the role of the Devil and how they challenge the role of God, whilst explaining how immortality brings about the downfall of mankind in both novels.
A* essay on Carol Ann Duffy's 'Feminine Gospels' poetry collection. The essay answers the question surrounding whether 'Duffy is trying to present new images of femininity to put right old ones.' The essay covers the poems 'Beautiful', 'Tall', and 'The Laughter of Stafford Girls' High', as well as mentions many other poems throughout the entire collection. 
The essay contains critics, and a thorough analysis of language, structure, form, and context embedded throughout. 
++ This es...
A* essay which offers an extensive analysis of whether love can survive in a patriarchal society. The document covers critics and Othello production as well as unique points covering language, structure, and form. I have also included literary and historical context throughout. Ever wondered how to link the morality play form to Othello, or the concept of 'Othering'? This document is for you. 
++ useful for a-level students and university students.
A* Essay plan answering the AQA past exam question, 'Does Othello Love Desdemona'. Contains: Critics, analysis (for and against) and heavily-explored quotes from different scenes in the play (both language and contextual analysis). 
+ Contains unique and thought-provoking analysis in order to score top marks (about the question and the play structure as a whole) 
+ May be useful for other essays surrounding Othello as their relationship is the main focal point of the play 
Useful for: 
- Ambit...
a full marks essay for crime poetry, really useful outline on how to reach the top band
This document provides an in-depth summary of the main literary eras from Medieval Literature to Postmodern style written by an A* English Literature student (a list of all eras in the document can be found below). Each era contains information on style, genre, context, content, and much more to ensure well-rounded knowledge. The document also contains explanations for some keywords which may be unfamiliar to readers. 
This document is for: 
+ A-level English literature students 
these are good practice questions which will help with practicing exam techniques required for English literature and passing English literature with an A.
Daphne du Maurier's classic novel "Rebecca," published in 1938, is set against the backdrop of the late 1930s and early 1940s. To fully appreciate the novel's themes and atmosphere, it is essential to understand the historical context of the time period in which it was written. Here is a summary of the key historical elements that influenced "Rebecca".
This comparative analysis explores the theme of love in different time periods, juxtaposing Sir Thomas Wyatt's sonnet "Whoso list to hunt," Sir Thomas Wyatt's poem "I Know an Hynde," and Daphne du Maurier's novel "Rebecca." By examining the portrayal of love in these literary works, we gain insight into how the concept of love has evolved across time and how it continues to resonate with readers. 
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