CCEA • English Literature
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A 'foil' is a literary technique wherein a character has a contrasting opposite. This is a method clearly applicable to Edgar Linton and Heathcliff in Wuthering Heights, where the two characters are presented as almost exact opposites in every regard. This essay provides social and historical context, along with an analysis of literary techniques used to present the characters as foils within the narrative.
An exploration of the theme "love and marriage " in Wuthering Heights, by Emily Brontë. Biographical and contextual information is explored, along with a deep analysis of Brontë's use of literary devices to deal with love and marriage. The conflicting relationships between Catherine, Heathcliff, and Edgar Linton are explored thoroughly, with information on contemporary attitudes towards women and marriage. This essay is most suitable for GCSE level English Literature students, however the c...
An analysis of the character of Edgar Linton in Emily Brontë’s ‘Wuthering Heights.’ Context on the life of Brontë is provided in order to elaborate upon the points being made and show an understanding of the relation between historical events contemporary with Bronte’s lifetime and the writing of the text. Context focuses specifically on biographical context of Emily Brontë. The comparison and contrast between the characters of Heathcliff and Edgar Linton is examined at length, with r...
This document consists of all the knowledge needed for in Paper 2 Eduqas English Literature A Level for Shakespeare's 'The Tempest'. It covers all of the AOs required for this essay, including summaries, context, critics, quotes, analysis of quotes, topic sentences, and example paragraphs.
This document consists of all the knowledge needed for in Paper 2 Eduqas English Literature A Level for Lucy Prebble's 'Enron' and Christopher Marlow's 'Dr Faustus'. It covers all of the AOs required for this essay, including summaries, context, critics, quotes, analysis of quotes, topic sentences, example paragraphs and comparisons.
This document consists of all the knowledge needed for in Paper 2 Eduqas English Literature A Level for Lucy Prebble's 'Enron' and Christopher Marlow's 'Dr Faustus'. It covers all of the AOs required for this essay, including summaries, context, critics, quotes, analysis of quotes, topic sentences, example paragraphs and comparisons.
This document consists of all the knowledge needed for in Paper 1 Eduqas English Literature A Level for Geoffrey Chaucer's 'The Merchant's Tale and Prologue' from The Canterbury Tales. It covers all of the AOs required for this essay, including summaries, context, critics, quotes, analysis of quotes, topic sentences, and example paragraphs.
This document consists of all the knowledge needed for in Paper 1 Eduqas English Literature A Level for Phillip Larkin's 'Whitsun Weddings' collection and Carol Ann Duffy's 'Mean Time' collection. It covers all of the AOs required for this essay, including summaries, context, critics, quotes, analysis of quotes, topic sentences, example paragraphs and comparisons.
This document contains 4 highly detailed essay plans for 'The Crucible' by Arthur Miller, used for CCEA AS-1 Study of Drama 
This includes essay plans on the following: 
- ‘Elizabeth Proctor is more admirable than her husband’ Do you agree? 
- ‘Elizabeth and John are both wholly moral characters’ Do you agree? 
- ‘All those who hold power in the Salem community abuse it’ 
-‘Miller emphasises only the intolerant aspects of Salem’
This document contains 5 highly detailed essay plans for 'Frankenstein', used for CCEA AS-1 Study of Prose Pre-1900 (100% UMS marked achieved) 
This includes essay plans on the following: 
• 'Frankenstein is a Gothic novel' Do you agree? 
• The Creature is impossible to sympathise with' Do you agree? 
• 'The Creature is a representation of Shelley’s life' Do you agree? 
• 'The Creature is the true hero in the novel' Do you agree? 
• 'Frankenstein is primarily a horror s...