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This document is my revision notes for the 1916 Irish Easter Rising, and the role of new nationalism in causing it. Using these notes, I received an A* in my exam on this topic. This is part of the rest of my notes on Irish nationalism. Happy studying!
This document is my revision notes for the role of the Irish Republican Brotherhood (IRB) and the leadership of individuals in the 1916 Easter Rising, as part of the history of Irish nationalism. I received an A* on my exam on this topic. Happy studying!
This document focuses on the context of the traditional "loathly lady" story which appears in "The Wife of Bath's Tale", which provides useful context for essays. I have also included analysis of sections from "The Wife of Bath's Prologue" to help. Using these notes, I achieved top marks in this class. Happy studying!
This document includes the notes that I've made on five different critical articles on "The Wife of Bath". They cover the themes of experience, religion, marriage, Chaucer, proto feminism, sovereignty, and the reliability of the Wife as a narrator. Using these notes, I achieved an A in all of my essays produced for this class. Happy studying!
This document includes key context and analysis on the structure of Chaucer's "The Wife of Bath" from "The Canterbury Tales". Using these notes, I received top marks in this class. Happy studying!
This essay explores how the Wife reveals her true character through her descriptive language and her actions in the prologue. I received an A for this essay. As well as my completed essay, I have included my essay plan. Happy studying!
I completed this essay as part of an exam under timed conditions (before typing it up to share here). I received an A grade, and one of the highest scores in the class. As well as my essay, I have included a brief plan (which was also written within the time limit. The title was: "Making use of relevant external contextual information on medieval attitudes to sexual morality, examine the poetic methods which Chaucer uses to write about the Wife of Bath as a rebel against such attitudes". H...
This essay examines the poetic methods which Chaucer uses to maintain interest in The Wife’s Tale of the Knight and the Loathly Lady. I received an A for this essay. Happy studying!
This essay examines the poetic methods used by Chaucer to present the Wife’s lessons on winning authority in marriage. I received an A in this essay. Additionally, I have also included my essay plan. Happy studying!
This essay examines the poetic methods which Chaucer uses to explore the theme of female freedom in "The Wife of Bath" (part of The Canterbury Tales). This essay received an A and was the highest grade in my class. As well as an essay, I have included my essay plan. Happy studying!