CIE • Law
Latest uploads for Law at CIE. Looking for Law notes at CIE? We have lots of notes, study guides and revision notes available for Law at CIE.
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Modules Law at CIE
Notes available for the following courses of Law at CIE
- Unit 1 - Sources of law
- Unit 2 - Machinery of justice
- Unit 3 - Legal personnel
- Unit 4 - Formation of valid contracts
- Unit 5 - Contents of contracts
- Unit 6 - Vitiating factors
- Unit 7 - Remedies of breach
- Unit 8 - Negligence and occupier\'s liability
- Unit 9 - Private nuisance and Rylands v. Fletcher
- Unit 10 - Trespass
- Unit 11 - Remedies
Latest notes & summaries CIE • Law
Provides a quick summary of the postal rule and includes case law.
This document outlines the key points under the subtopic of acceptance must be communicated. It illustrates case law well and also gives critiques on issues.
Providing a summary of the main topics under the formation of contracts.
Unit 8: Occupiers’ Liability 
- Introduction 
- Who is an occupier 
- Liability to visitors: Occupiers’ Liability Act 1957 
- Defences under Occupiers’ Liability Act 1957 
- Liability to trespasser: Occupiers’ Liability Act 1984 
- Defences under Occupiers’ Liability Act 1984
9084 Law — Unit 4.1: Offer 
1. Formation of Contract 
2. Unilateral & Bilateral Contract 
3. Invitation to treat 
4. Offer 
5. How long does an offer last? 
6. Withdrawal of offer 
7. Specific Types of Contracts
Unit 2.1 : Civil Justice System 
- Civil Courts 
- Tribunals 
Unit 2.2 — The Criminal Justice System 
- The Police 
- Pre-trial 
- Crown Prosecution Service 
- Sentencing 
- Young Offenders 
- Criminal Appeal
9084 AS Law - Unit 3: Legal Personnel: 
- Judges 
- The Legal Professions 
- The Jury 
- Magistrates