OCR • Biology A
Latest uploads for Biology A at OCR. Looking for Biology A notes at OCR? We have lots of notes, study guides and revision notes available for Biology A at OCR.
Modules Biology A at OCR
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A detailed explanation of the genetic engineering process, organised into 5 steps. This knowledge is required for A-level Biology OCR as mentioned in the Specification document.
This document consists of in depth notes written to equip you with all the knowledge required to achieve high results in Biology AS / A-level exams, written by a biology student who took her exams in summer of 2022. With these notes as my main source of revision, I achieved an A* and believe that is achievable for you too. 
These notes are written with colour and are easy to digest with the use of diagrams, and in depth explanations of the core parts of this A-level course.
Notes on cofactors, coenzymes and prosthetic groups, with images, that helped me secure an A* in Biology.
These are exam questions for Ecosystems in Module 6 A level Biology. These questions can come up in your topic test assessments and are also a great way of preparing yourselves for your mocks and exams at the end of the year. Mark scheme is at the end of the document
The document involves A level Biology questions that are mostly linked to mathematical skills such as standard deviation, chi squared test etc. These questions have been selected very carefully to provide you with a well rounded view on investigational skill in OCR A Level Biology. You will also have the mark scheme attached at the end of the document.
In this document you will have the most high demand questions for A-Level Biology Paper 3 OCR A. You have most important topics that come up almost every year with mark schemes at the end. They have been carefully selected for your own benefit. These questions are a good way to prepare yourselves for your incoming exams and mocks.
all specification specific notes for ocr a level biology module 6, these notes have allowed for me to get A* in all of my a level mock exams. These are recent notes as they have been created in 2023, I have used several textbooks and made these notes which specifically hit all specification marks, there are notes from all mark schemes too!
all specification specific notes for ocr a level biology module 5, these notes have allowed for me to get A* in all of my a level mock exams. These are recent notes as they have been created in 2023, I have used several textbooks and made these notes which specifically hit all specification marks, there are notes from all mark schemes too!
These are comprehensive notes for ocr a level biology a, I have written these notes in 2023 and have strictly used the specification to write them. These notes have helped me in getting A* in all of my A level mocks, they are extremely specific and every single specification task has notes.
This is all of my notes from ocr a level biology a, they are comprehensive notes for all specification points for the ocr a level biology a programme. I have made these notes this year, these notes have helped me achieve A* in all of my mock exams.