OCR • Biology
Latest uploads for Biology at OCR. Looking for Biology notes at OCR? We have lots of notes, study guides and revision notes available for Biology at OCR.
Modules Biology at OCR
Notes available for the following courses of Biology at OCR
Latest notes & summaries OCR • Biology
In depth notes and summaries covering all exam content of OCR A Level Biology: Module 2 - Foundations in Biology, proteins. Easily readable and understandable notes hand written using good notes on i pad, by a previous student achieving 4 A* qualifications, now studying a bioscience based degree.
In depth notes and summaries covering all exam content of OCR A Level Biology: Module 2 - Foundations in Biology, biological molecules tests. Easily readable and understandable notes hand written using good notes on i pad, by a previous student achieving 4 A* qualifications, now studying a bioscience based degree.
In depth notes and summaries covering all exam content of OCR A Level Biology: Module 2 - Foundations in Biology, inorganic ions and chromatography. Easily readable and understandable notes hand written using good notes on i pad, by a previous student achieving 4 A* qualifications, now studying a bioscience based degree.
In depth notes and summaries covering all exam content of OCR A Level Biology - Module 2, Foundations in Biology, biological membranes. Easily readable and understandable notes hand written using good notes on i pad, by a previous biology student achieving 4 A* qualifications, now studying a bioscience based degree.
Complete summary notes according to official A Level ORC exam specification for Nucleotides And Nucleic Acids component (3.1.3) of Foundations In Biology topic.
This doc includes summaries and model answers for common questions asked regarding this topic. This was what I used to study for my A-Levels in 2023.
coincise notes on thermoregulation in ectotherms and endotherms, including examples of heating up and cooling down for both organisms, and temperature receptors in hypothalamus and in skin. 
definitions for homeostasis, 
advantages and disadvantages of methods of heat exchange for both types of organisms
coincise notes on aerobic and anaerobic respiration, summarising processes through diagrams from online sites (save my exams) to visualise better the cycles and stages. 
bullet points to add extra information and summarise stages of oxidative phosphorylation in short
coincise notes on plant responses and hormones, in bullet points to summarise processes of seed germination, antifreezing, leaf abscission, stomatal closure, geotropism and phototropism, apical dominance, plant defences
coincise notes on photosynthesis, including the structure of chloroplasts, photosynthetic pigments, Thin layer chromatography, photsytems, light dependent and independent reactions, limiting factors.