OCR • History
Latest uploads for History at OCR. Looking for History notes at OCR? We have lots of notes, study guides and revision notes available for History at OCR.
Modules History at OCR
Notes available for the following courses of History at OCR
Popular books OCR • History
Mike Wells • ISBN 9781471837302
Andrew Holland • ISBN 9781471838941
Allan Todd, Sally Waller • ISBN 9781107558892
Michael Scott-Baumann • ISBN 9781471838422
David Paterson, Doug Willoughby • ISBN 9780435312664
Roger Turvey • ISBN 9781510457492
Nicholas Fellows, Mary Dicken • ISBN 9781471836619
Andrew Holland • ISBN 9781471876011
Alexis Mamaux, David Smith • ISBN 9780198310211
Mike Wells, Mike Wells • ISBN 9781510457935
Michael Riley, Jamie Byrom • ISBN 9781444144512
Andrew Holland, Mike Wells • ISBN 9781510459779
David Williamson • ISBN 9781471838286
Latest notes & summaries OCR • History
Notes and example essays for the China and it's rulers unit of OCR A-level history :)
A* synoptic essay 25 marks. OCR Y320 British Empire From Colonialism to Independence. 
Essay Title: To what extent did the reasons for the growth of the British Empire change in the period ? 
Past paper question A* answer. Marked by head of history last week (24/25 marks) 
Feedback given: 
"A tad long, but extremely strong. Strong reference to the big picture, supported by precise, to the point examples" 24/25 
There are few resources online to aid study of the British Empire OCR topic,...
Summary Notes, arranged into the groups, for each of the depth studies for Civil Rights in the USA
History OCR A-Level Thematic study and historical interpretations: Russia and its Rulers . 
Complete revision notes with diagrams and tables written by a straight A* student. Summarised and well organised notes of the official OCR textbook and in order. Includes collated information from class, the textbook and online. 
Topics include: The nature of government, The impact of dictatorial regimes on the economy and society, Russia and its empire, nationalities and satellite states. 
Other revisio...
History OCR A-Level Depth Study Evidence Grids: Russia and its Rulers . 
Complete grids for the depth studies of Alexander II, The Provisional Government and Khrushchev. Clear evidence for each view that could come up in the interpretation question. Written by a straight A* student. Well organised notes and in order. Includes collated information from class, the textbook and online. 
Other revision notes are also uploaded on my page as well as packages at a discounted price.
History OCR A-Level Thematic study and historical interpretations: Russia and its Rulers . 
Complete grids on every theme and ruler. Each theme is organised into 3 topics to easily separate out the 3 paragraphs for essay writing. There are also hierarchies for each theme, deciding which ruler to write about in each essay. Written by a straight A* student. Well organised notes and in order. Includes collated information from class, the textbook and online. 
Themes include: Nature of Government, E...
History OCR A-Level Non-British period study: Russia 1645—1741. 
Essay planning evidence grids, written by a straight A* student. Summarised and well organised notes and in order. Includes collated information from class, textbooks and online. 
Topics include: Russia 1645—1698, The reforms of Peter the Great , Foreign relations , Opposition and reaction . 
Other revision notes are also uploaded on my page as well as packages at a discounted price.
History OCR A-Level Non-British period study: Russia . 
Essay planning evidence grids, written by a straight A* student. Summarised and well organised notes and in order. Includes collated information from class, the textbook and online. 
Topics include: Peter's foreign policy and opposition to Peter summaries AND a full grid of evidence for Evidence of modernisation, Evidence of backwardness, Strengthened autocracy, Weakened autocracy and Contact with the West. 
Other revision notes are also ...
History OCR A-Level British period study and enquiry: Britain 1930—1997. 
Complete revision notes on Britain 1951—1997, written by a straight A* student. Summarised and well organised notes of the official OCR textbook and in order. Includes collated information from class, the textbook and online. 
Topics include: Conservative domination 1951-64, Labour and Conservative governments 1964-79, Thatcher and the end of consensus 1979-97, Britain’s position in the world 1951-97. 
Other revisio...
History OCR A-Level British period study and enquiry: Britain . 
Essay plans on British Governments, written by a straight A* student. Summarised and well organised notes of the official OCR textbook and in order. Includes collated information from class, the textbook and online. 
Essay Plans include: Conservative domination 1951-64, Conservative leadership in maintaining power between 1951-64, Decline in support for the Conservatives decline, Why did Labour win the 1964 election?, Labour gove...