OCR • History
Latest uploads for History at OCR. Looking for History notes at OCR? We have lots of notes, study guides and revision notes available for History at OCR.
Modules History at OCR
Notes available for the following courses of History at OCR
Popular books OCR • History
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Mike Wells • ISBN 9781471837302
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Andrew Holland • ISBN 9781471838941
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Michael Scott-Baumann • ISBN 9781471838422
Allan Todd, Sally Waller • ISBN 9781107558892
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David Paterson, Doug Willoughby • ISBN 9780435312664
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Roger Turvey • ISBN 9781510457492
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Nicholas Fellows, Mary Dicken • ISBN 9781471836619
![Book Thumbnail](https://media.s-bol.com/gJYnzoqV8rZD/148x210.jpg)
Andrew Holland • ISBN 9781471876011
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Mike Wells, Mike Wells • ISBN 9781510457935
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Alan Farmer • ISBN 9781510457409
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David Williamson • ISBN 9781471838293
Latest notes & summaries OCR • History
What you will receive in this package: Notes that are easy to read and will help you get an A star. No need of a textbook when the entire course has been summed up for you and is easy to understand can be brought and printed off. IMPORTANT NOTE! This package only contains unit 3 of the course. Unit 3, section 3 = How peaceful was England between 1455 and 1459? To receive the entire course, visit the package deal on my page that has the entire unit 3 section 1-7.
What you will receive in this package: Notes that are easy to read and will help you get an A star. No need of a textbook when the entire course has been summed up for you and is easy to understand can be brought and printed off. IMPORTANT NOTE! This package only contains unit 3 of the course. Unit 3, section 2 = Why was York restored to the protectorate? To receive the entire course, visit the package deal on my page that has the entire unit 3 section 1-7.
What you will receive in this package: Notes that are easy to read and will help you get an A star. No need of a textbook when the entire course has been summed up for you and is easy to understand can be brought and printed off. IMPORTANT NOTE! This package only contains unit 3 of the course. Unit 3, section 1 = How significant was the battle of st Albans? To receive the entire course, visit the package deal on my page that has the entire unit 3 section 1-7.
All about John Dickenson & John Burgoyne and their involvement in the Revolutionary/Civil War in powerpoint form.
Summary of the Challenges faced by John Major between 1990-97
The following document contains revision notes for A Level History A [OCR] Unit Y320: From Colonialism to Independence: The British Empire. It outlines and summarises key notes on the topics below. - The governance and administration of the Empire - Opposition to British rule - The impact of imperial power on the periphery and Britain - The British Empire and its impact on international relations Note that this DOES NOT contain focused notes on the main case studies on India, Kenya an...
A* level essay plans on Napoleon, based on OCR History A level specification.
A* essay plans on the French Revolution based on the OCR History A level specification
A* essay plans on the French Revolution based on OCR History A specification.
A* 10 marker essay plans on Napoleon. Based on OCR A level history specification.