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Modules FELE at AQA
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C1- Diverse faculty and staff -Diverse student population require diverse teaching and 
administrative staff. 
- Diverse faculty motivated to work with disadvantages minority students 
- Higher academic expectations of minority students, results in increased academic and social growth 
among students 
- Diverse student population achieve more academically when engaged by own racial and ethnic groups 
- Exposure to variety of ethnicities help reduce stereotypes and promotes cross-cultural social ...
how does an administrator determine whether an educational or physical accommodation has been 
made? (4) -through observations, IEP plans, meetings, and use of support staff. 
What does an IEP require? (9) -a written plan that is detailed including present student levels, how 
the disability affects the child's educational involvement, what supplemental aids or programs will be 
necessary for the student to achieve their goals, short term goals, modifications, objectives, 
benchmarks, annual go...
how does an administrator determine whether an educational or physical accommodation has been 
made? (4) - through observations, IEP plans, meetings, and use of support staff. 
What does an IEP require? (9) - a written plan that is detailed including present student levels, how 
the disability affects the child's educational involvement, what supplemental aids or programs will be 
necessary for the student to achieve their goals, short term goals, modifications, objectives, 
benchmarks, annual ...
FTE of students -Full Time Equivalent. A student can be counted as 1.0 FTE for 900 hours of 
instruction during the school year (180 days X 5 hr/days). If a student attend less than the full day, their 
FTC= # min/wk / 1500. When referring to FTE, the state is referring to "head count". 
(PCF) Program Cost Factors -Annually set by legislature-reflect relative cost of providing educational 
programs. compares the cost per student for each program in relation to the cost of providing services 
FTE of students -Full Time Equivalent. A student can be counted as 1.0 FTE for 900 hours of 
instruction during the school year (180 days X 5 hr/days). If a student attend less than the full day, their 
FTC= # min/wk / 1500. When referring to FTE, the state is referring to "head count". 
(PCF) Program Cost Factors -Annually set by legislature-reflect relative cost of providing educational 
programs. compares the cost per student for each program in relation to the cost of providing services 
Sources of law which affect FL educators - U.S. Constitution; Federal and State Statutes; Rules/Regs 
by FLDOE, FLBOE, School Boards, Fire Marshalls, etc.; State and Federal Court Decisions (case law, 
common law) 
Amendment 1 - contains religion establishment (no government in religion) and free exercise 
clauses (individual can believe whatever) that are in dynamic tension. Also contains freedom of speech, 
press, right to peaceably assemble, and to petition the government for grievance (most ...
Title VI of the Civil Rights Act - Protects against discrimination based on race, color, origins etc. 
Title VII of TCRA of 1964 - Protects against discrimination from employers 
Tile IX of Ed Amendments - Cannot be excluded from activity club or sport based on gender 
Section 504/ Rehabilitation Act - Cannot discriminate against someone based on handicap 
Age Discrimination Act - Cannot discriminate based on age 
FERPA - Parents have a right to inspect and review all official records, files, da...
instructional days per year -180 Days 
instructional hours (k-3) -720 hours 
instructional hours (4-12) -900 hours 
minimal hours to count as a day -5 hours 
number of instructional minutes per day -300 minutes 
Due Process -14th amendment right for students to defend their actions prior to taking action 
Suspension -parent must be notified within 24 hours 
Title 1 Funds -Funds used to help economically disadvantaged students to improve student scores 
in reading and math. Must also be tied to s...
instructional days per year -180 Days 
instructional hours (k-3) -720 hours 
instructional hours (4-12) -900 hours 
minimal hours to count as a day -5 hours 
number of instructional minutes per day -300 minutes 
Due Process -14th amendment right for students to defend their actions prior to taking action 
Suspension -parent must be notified within 24 hours 
Title 1 Funds -Funds used to help economically disadvantaged students to improve student scores 
in reading and math. Must also be tied to s...
A principal will need to purchase new textbooks this year as well as new computers. What funds can the 
principal use to purchase these items? 
A. Title I 
B. Title II 
C. Title IX 
D. Capital - A. Title I 
How much of the general fund of a district or school goes to HR/personnel? 
A. 25% 
B. 60% 
C. 80% 
D. 100% - C. 80% 
The principal has been informed that some students are protesting the dress code, and they plan on 
purposefully violating the dress code over the next few days. What should t...