AQA • French
Latest uploads for French at AQA. Looking for French notes at AQA? We have lots of notes, study guides and revision notes available for French at AQA.
Modules French at AQA
Notes available for the following courses of French at AQA
- FILM 2
- Film and literature 4
- French AQA A level - Paper 2 - CHARACTERS 1
- French AQA A level - Paper 2 - L'IDENTITÉ 1
- French AQA A level - Paper 2 - LA DÉLINQUANCE 1
- French AQA A level - Paper 2 - LA JEUNESSE 1
- French AQA A level - Paper 2 - LA POLICE 1
- French AQA A level - Paper 2 - LA VIOLENCE 1
- French AQA A level - Paper 2 - LES BANLIEUES 1
- French Independent Research Project speaking 1
- French-7652 French-7652 2
Popular books AQA • French
Steve Harrison • ISBN 9780198415534
Delphine de Vigan • ISBN 9782253124801
Robert Pike, Colin Povey • ISBN 9780198375654
Ginette Vincendeau • ISBN 9780857730527
Robert Pike, Colin Povey • ISBN 9780198375685
Rod Hares, Jean-Claude Gilles • ISBN 9781471857959
Robert Pike, Colin Povey • ISBN 9780198366881
Karine Harrington, Karine Harrington • ISBN 9781471890031
Moliere • ISBN 9782218958915
Françoise Sagan, Audrey Cruz • ISBN 9782266195584
Latest notes & summaries AQA • French
A Level French Tense Revision (from an A* student). Covers present, perfect, imperfect, immediate future, future, pluperfect tenses and the conditional and subjunctive moods
A-level French Grammar Revision (from an A* student). Useful for GSCE French too
A-Level French Essay Writing Revision Notes and Tips (from an A* student)
Notes for an essay on the film La Haine used in a paper 2 AQA A Level French exam.
A summary sheet of the French tenses, including present, past (perfect, conditional and pluperfect), future and near future tenses and the conditional tense.
This document is a checklist of every grammatical concept you'll need to know for the AQA A-Level French exam. It was made using the AQA specification to ensureaccuracy and it being up todate. It is categorised and numbered making it easy to search for a concept or organise yoyr notes. By having this compilation you can check off what you have revised or are yet to revise and see if there's any gaps in your knowledge. Hope this helps! :)
(French Paper 3 - Essay Writing, Translation) 
Character analysis notes
AQA A-level FRENCH PAPER 2 2020 MS. This is a complete and an all-inclusive guide to AQA A-level FRENCH PAPER 2 2020 MS. 
Analysez le rôle comique que joue Dorine dans cette pièce. 
[40 marks] 
Possible content 
• Dorine’s directness is amusing in its stark contrast with other characters’ false piety. 
• Dorine is very perceptive as she sees Tartuffe for the fraudster that he is. 
• Dorine understands and judges Tartuffe’s supporters as being easily duped. 
• Molière uses Dorine...
AQA A LEVEL FRENCH PAPER 1 2020 MS. This is an all-inclusive and an a complete guide to AQA A LEVEL FRENCH PAPER 1 2020 MS. 
Paper 1 Listening, Reading and Writing
Paper 1 2021 QP Listening, 
Reading and Writing. 
Ecoutez l’avis de trois Français sur le grand cinéaste, Abel Gance. 
Ecrivez dans les cases les lettres des deux phrases vraies qui correspondent à 
chaque personne. 
A L’histoire des grands hommes fascinait Abel Gance. 
B Il faut être cinéphile pour apprécier Napoléon. 
C Napoléon est son meilleur film. 
D Son œuvre est à la fois vieille et moderne. 
E Abel Gance était un cinéaste aux talents divers. 
F Aujour...