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Latest notes & summaries AQA • PMHNP
Stages of Change (Transtheoretical Model) - (Prochaska & DiClemente) 
● Precontemplation—little to no awareness of the problem or intent to change 
● Contemplation—thinking about making a change in the next 6 months, weigh pros and cons 
● Preparation—prepare to make change within the next month, start to make small changes 
● Action—enacted the change for 1 day-6 months 
● Maintenance—maintained behavior/change for 6 months or longer 
Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs - ● Physi...
AIMS - Abnormal Involuntary Movement Scale for 8 and older 
12 item tool to assess symptoms of tardive dyskinesia for patients taking antipsychotics 
Rating 0-4, >2 to diagnose TD and reduce dose 
BARS - Barnes Akathisia Rating Scale for 8 and older 
4 item tool to assess objective and subjective symptoms of akathisia with antipsychotics and/or SSRIs 
CRS-R - Connors Rating Scales - Revised for 3-17 
ADHD Parent (80 items) and Teacher Scales (59 items) 
Low T-score of 61= mildly atypical; >...
What is phentolamine used for? 
Hypertensive crisis associated with MAOI administration - it blocks norepinephrine receptor sites 
What is the therapeutic range of Lithium? 
0.6 to 1.2 mEq/L 
What labs should be checked before initiation of lithium? 
Thyroid panel 
Serum Creatinine 
Blood Urea Nitrogen 
Pregnancy Test 
ECG for clients older than age 50 
Adverse effects associated with Lithium 
- Endocrine: hypothyroidism, weight gain 
- CNS: fine hand tremors, fatigue, brain fog, headaches, coar...
NP Core Competencies 
1. Scientific Foundations 
2. Leadership 
3. Quality 
4. Practice Inquiry 
5. Technology and Information Literacy 
6. Policy 
7. Health Delivery System 
8. Ethics 
9. Independent Practice 
Who developed NP Role? 
1965 by Loretta Ford and Henry Silver at the U of Colorado 
When did PMHNP across the lifespan certification begin? 
Process used to protect the public by ensuring a minimum level of professional competence 
Determines scope of p...
Infancy 0-1 
(Task, Mastery, Developmental failure) - Trust vs Mistrust 
Mastery: form meaningful relationships, hope in the future 
Developmental failure: poor relationships, lack of future hope, suspicious of others 
Early Childhood 1-3 
(Task, Mastery, Developmental failure) - Autonomy vs Shame and doubt 
Mastery: Self esteem, self-control, will power 
Developmental failure: poor self-control, low self-esteem, self-doubt, lack of independence 
Late Childhood 3-6 
(Task, Mastery, Developmental...
Infancy 0-1 
(Task, Mastery, Developmental failure) - Trust vs Mistrust 
Mastery: form meaningful relationships, hope in the future 
Developmental failure: poor relationships, lack of future hope, suspicious of others 
Early Childhood 1-3 
(Task, Mastery, Developmental failure) - Autonomy vs Shame and doubt 
Mastery: Self esteem, self-control, will power 
Developmental failure: poor self-control, low self-esteem, self-doubt, lack of independence 
Late Childhood 3-6 
(Task, Mastery, Developmental...
Scope of practice - ● Determined by state legislature (state BON) ● Defines NP roles & actions ● 
Identifies competencies assumed to be held by all NPs who function in a particular role ● Varies broadly 
from state to state. Some states may require additional certifications 
Standards of Practice - Quality of practice does not change based on location. ● Determined by 
ANA. ● Guidelines/Protocols/recommendations ● Reflect expectations for the care that should be 
provided ● Refle...
What is Anxiety? - Unpleasant and overriding mental tension that has no apparent identifiable 
cause and is accompanied by physical distress and disruption of activities of daily living. 
A pathological state characterized by a feeling of dread and accompanied by somatic signs indicative of 
hyperactive autonomic nervous system, differentiated from fear which has a KNOWN CAUSE. 
Characteristics of Anxiety - Uncomfortable feeling of apprehension, a response to internal or 
external stimuli; heigh...
What is Anxiety? - Unpleasant and overriding mental tension that has no apparent identifiable 
cause and is accompanied by physical distress and disruption of activities of daily living. 
A pathological state characterized by a feeling of dread and accompanied by somatic signs indicative of 
hyperactive autonomic nervous system, differentiated from fear which has a KNOWN CAUSE. 
Characteristics of Anxiety - Uncomfortable feeling of apprehension, a response to internal or 
external stimuli; heigh...
Interpreting the meaning of behavior patterns at appropriate times so that members will be able to 
engage in a deeper level of self-exploration and consider alternative behaviors is most critical at the 
a. initial stage of a group. 
b. transition stage. 
c. working stage. 
d. consolidation stage. - c. working stage. 
When characteristics exist such as a high degree of cohesion, open communication, shared leadership 
functions, willingness to risk threatening material, and freely giving feedbac...