Bangor University (BU)
Latest uploads at Bangor University (BU). Looking for notes at Bangor University (BU)? We have lots of notes, study guides and revision notes available for your school.
Courses at Bangor University (BU)
Notes available for the following courses at Bangor University (BU)
Latest notes & summaries Bangor University (BU)
This document explores the truth behind documentary films, by analyzing key articles that challenge the truth behind documentary films and also articles that support documentary films.
Can be used for A-Level Product Design, DT and in first year uni
what is motivation? 
Description of the 3x2 achievement goal model (including benefits and limitations)
Chapter 01: Introduction to the Human Body 
Herlihy: The Human Body in Health and Illness, 6th Edition 
1. What is the branch of science that studies how the body functions? 
a. Anatomy 
b. Histology 
c. Pathology 
d. Physiology 
2. Which word comes from the Greek word meaning “to dissect”? 
a. Anatomy 
b. Histology 
c. Pathology 
d. Physiology 
3. Which of the following is a higher order of organization? 
a. Molecule 
b. Cell 
c. Organ 
d. Tissue 
Includes notes from lectures, lecture slides, personal notes and additions.
English Grammar Notes with Practice Sets 
i. Common Errors in English 
ii. Subject-Verb agreement 
iii. Use of Articles 
iv. Prepositions 
v. Tense and aspect
A list of quotes from critics for The Fair Jilt by Aphra Behn. Includes context and analysis.
A list of critical quotes for My Cousin Rachel by Daphne du Maurier. Includes full quotes and analysis.
An in-depth look at quotes taken from My Cousin Rachel by Daphne du Maurier. Includes analysis.