Cambridge University (CAM) • General Medicine
Latest uploads for General Medicine at Cambridge University (CAM). Looking for General Medicine notes at Cambridge University (CAM)? We have lots of notes, study guides and revision notes available for General Medicine at Cambridge University (CAM).
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Modules General Medicine at Cambridge University (CAM)
Notes available for the following courses of General Medicine at Cambridge University (CAM)
Latest notes & summaries Cambridge University (CAM) • General Medicine
Lecture notes of cranial nerves 9, 10, 11, 12
Clinical Examination 
Component sensitive visceral
Clinical aspects etc...
lecture notes about upper motor neuron syndrome 
-Corticospinal tract 
-Internal capsule 
-Corticospinal tract in the internal capsule 
-Pyramidal decussation 
-Corticobulbar tract 
-Upper motor neuron syndrome signs 
-Types of hypertonia 
-Pathological reflexes 
-Babinski reflex 
-Spinal shock and diaschisis
lecture notes about thrombosis of cerebral veins and venous sinuses: plus pictures 
it provide great explination for the following :

-Superficial venous system 
-Deep venous system 
-Cerebral dural venous sinuses 
-Causes and risk factors 
-Septic thrombophlebitis 
-Clinical aspects of CVST 
-Isolated thrombosis of cortical veins 
-Superior sagittal sinus thrombosis 
-Dense clot sign 
-CT venography 
full explanation about coma , neurological examination, types, treatment, pathophysiology and more 

this file include lecture notes for the cerebellum which includes:
Cerebellar Function 
-Cerebellar Peduncles 
-Cerebellar Cortex 
-Cerebellar Nuclei 
-Afferent Fibers 
-Efferent Fibers 
-Functional Divisions of The Cerebellum 
-cell types 
-Neuronal Circuitry of The Cerebellum 
-Mossy Fibers 
-Climbing Fibers 
-Cerebellar Input Pathways 
-Cerebellar Output Pathways 
Role of Basal Ganglia
motor structures of the basal ganglia 
Motor Functions of Basal Ganglia
Organization of Basal Ganglia
Afferents to Basal Ganglia
Regions of the Cerebral Cortex That Project To The Corpus Striatum
Input In Circuits of Basal Ganglia
Output of Basal Ganglia to Inferior Structures
Modulation of Striatum
lecture notes for semiology of sensory disturbances with great explination and pictures it includes

 -Classification of Types of Sensation 
-Elementary Sensation 
-The Structure of Sensory Pathways -


-Golgi corpuscles 
-Sensitive dermatomes 
-Sensory Pathways 
-Clinical Examination 
-Cortical Sensory Function 
-Sensory Topographic Syndromes 
-Complete Spinal Cord Transection Syndrome 
-Vertebral Myelop...