Cardiff University (CF) • Psychology
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Modules Psychology at Cardiff University (CF)
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Latest notes & summaries Cardiff University (CF) • Psychology
This lecture focusses on explaining how we work out what is moving in our field of vision, e.g. how do we know it is a person moving in front of us as opposed to the tv behind them? 
It compares two theories: extra retina signals and visual masking. 
These can be complex theories to wrap your head around, and these notes summarise it in an easy way. 
I have included here the additional reading set by the lecturer, along side some of my own additional reading (identified by a *** in front of it)....
This lecture is aimed at understanding smooth eye pursuit movements and perceiving motion. looking at how we judge motion during pursuit using image-based compensation and extra retinal compensation. This lecture explores different types of illusions and how they effect our eyes to produce the illusions. It investigates the aubert-fleishcl phenomenon, filehne illusion, trajectory illusion, slalom illusion. 
I have included extra reading on many papers as well here about the retinal and extra ret...
My favourite yet one of the most complicated lectures of the series. This lecture explores Bayesian models of perception. It also explores the incredibly fascinating phenomenon of why Autistic people do not seem to experience visual illusions in the same way that neurotypical people do. Papers by Pelicano and Burr are explored and added to this are some papers that i have read additionally to this lecture and summarised- sure to get extra bonus points in the exam. I received a first in my exam w...
This lecture summary was based on how we guide our own self-movement- what cues does one use to get to a target? 
The lecture explores two hypotheses: optic flow and egocentric direction. The lecture explores the role of extra retinal signals, models of heading, and fascinating phenomenons such as unilateral neglect, with the case study of WV. 
I have also included interesting information from papers on neglect and locomotion in terms of the gender differences and also in patients with parkinson...