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Courses at NCLEX RN EXAM
Notes available for the following courses at NCLEX RN EXAM
Latest notes & summaries NCLEX RN EXAM
A. Client Self-Determination Act 
1. The Client Self-Determination Act is a law that indicates clients must be provided with information about their rights to identify written directions about the care that they wish to receive in the event that they become incapacitated and are unable to make health care decisions. 
2. On admission to a health care facility, the client is asked about the existence of an advance directive, and if one exists, it must be documented and included as part of the medi...
BOX 1-2 Safe and Effective Care Environment Management of Care 
The nurse has received the client assignment for the day. Which client should the nurse assess first? 
1. The client who needs to receive subcutaneous insulin 
before breakfast 
2. The client who has a nasogastric tube attached to intermit- 
tent suction 
3. The client who is 2 days postoperative and is complaining 
of incisional pain 
4. The client who has a blood glucose level of 50 mg/dL 
(2.8 mmol/ L) and complaints of blurred v...
Chapter 2: Management Principles and Legal Issues 
5. Monitor progress in client care through feed- back, evaluate outcomes, and follow-up on identified problems. 
 B. Determining appropriate delegation to an unlicensed healthcare worker—ask these questions: 1. CantheUAPlegallydothisprocedureaccord- 
ing to the Nurse Practice Act in that state? 
2. Has the UAP been trained to perform this 
3. Can the UAP demonstrate this procedure 
safely and consistently? 
4. Is the client status ...
1. Which postoperative client is manifesting the most serious negative effect of inadequate pain management? 
1. Demonstrates continuous use of call bell related to unsatisfied needs and discomfort 
2. Develops venous thromboembolism related to immobility caused by pain and discomfort 
3. Refuses to participate in physical therapy because of fear of pain caused by exercises 
4. Feels depressed about loss of function and hopeless about getting relief from pain 
2. A client with chronic...
1. Which postoperative client is manifesting the most serious negative effect of inadequate pain management? 
1. Demonstrates continuous use of call bell related to unsatisfied needs and discomfort 
2. Develops venous thromboembolism related to immobility caused by pain and discomfort 
3. Refuses to participate in physical therapy because of fear of pain caused by exercises 
4. Feels depressed about loss of function and hopeless about getting relief from pain 
2. A client with chronic...
A 25-year-old client believes she may be pregnant with her first child. She schedules an obstetric examination with the nurse practitioner to determine the status of her possible pregnancy. Her last menstrual period began May 20, and her estimated date of confinement using Nägele's rule 
A. March27 
B. February1 
C. February27 
D. January3 
Correct Answer: C Section: (none) Explanation 
(A)March 27 is a miscalculation. (B) Februa...
A middle-aged woman tells the nurse that she has been experiencing irregular menses for the past six months. The nurse should assess the woman for other symptoms of: 
A. climacteric. 
B. menopause. 
C. perimenopause. D. postmenopause. 
Correct Answer: C Section: (none) Explanation 
Perimenopause refers to a period of time in which hormonal changes occur gradually, ovarian function diminishes, and menses become irregular. Perimenopause l...
Strategy 6: Avoiding Definites 
Answer choices that make definite statements with no “wiggle room” are often wrong. Try to choose answer choices that make less definite and more general statements that would likely be correct in a wider range of situations and aren’t exclusive. 
A. The nurse should follow universal contact precautions at all times 
in every case. 
B. The nursing assistant completely demonstrated poor awareness 
of transfer safety. 
C. Never allow new medications ...
 ■ Challenging, defensive, or disapproving responses 
■ Direct probing and “how” and “why” questions 
■ Interruptions, environmental noise, or extremes in temperature 
■ Trite, common expressions (clichés) 
Leadership and Management Terms 
■ Accountability: Answerable for actions/judgments regarding care 
■ Autonomy: Nurse can make independent decision to decide/act 
■ Case management: Coordination of int...
NCLEX exam. The nurse preparing for the licensure exam should commit to memory the normal laboratory values, and be able to apply this knowledge to assist the client with meeting client needs. 
Exam Questions 
1. The client is admitted complaining of nausea and vomiting for the past three days. The doctor has ordered D51/2NS with potassium added. Which action by the nurse is most appropriate? 
A. Obtain an IV controller 
B. Check the client’s vital signs hourly 
C. Check the sodium level 
D. O...