OCR • Physics A
Latest uploads for Physics A at OCR. Looking for Physics A notes at OCR? We have lots of notes, study guides and revision notes available for Physics A at OCR.
Modules Physics A at OCR
Notes available for the following courses of Physics A at OCR
- A2 Capacitance 1
- A2 Circular Motion 1
- A2 Electric Fields 1
- A2 Gravitational Fields 1
- A2 Magnetic Fields 1
- A2 Unit G484 - The Newtonian World 5
- A2 Unit G485 - Fields, Particles and Frontiers of Physics H556 11
- A2 Unit G486 - Practical Skills in Physics 2 1
- All modules 4
- All the modules 3
- AS Unit G481 - Mechanics 8
- AS Unit G482 - Electrons, Waves and Photons 12
- Astrophysics and Cosmology 1
- Materials 1
- Medical imaging 1
- Module 3 5
- Module 3: Flashcards 1
- Module 3: Forces and Motion 4
- Module 3: Forces in action 1
- Module 4 5
- Module 4: Electrons, waves and photons 4
- Module 5 5
- Module 5 : Newtonian World and Astrophysics 1
- Module 5: Newtonian World and Astrophysics 3
- Module 6 4
- Module 6 : Particles and Medical Physics 1
- Module 6: Particles and Medical Physics 9
- Motion 1
Popular books OCR • Physics A
Latest notes & summaries OCR • Physics A
Summary notes for topic 5.1 Thermal Physics (chapters 14 and 15 in the textbook) including explanations, definitions, diagrams, derivations, highlighted key points and equation break downs
Summary notes for topic 5.5 Astrophysics and Cosmology including definitions, diagrams, highlighted key points and equation break downs. Covers all of topic 5.5 (chapters 19 and 20 in the textbook)
Summary notes for 5.2 Circular Motion including definitions, explanations, diagrams, highlighted key points and equation break downs
shows the harmonics of a standing wave in a tube 
both opened and closed ends 
Ideal for Physics, waves understanding
This is all of A-level Physics OCR A Nuclear Physics summarised in a booklet with all the key information needed for exam practice. This booklet makes it easy to understand the key concepts of Nuclear Physics
Succinct Notes on Chapter 4 Forces in action from OCR Physics A
Succinct notes on Chapter 6 Materials from OCR Physics A
Succinct Notes on Chapter 3 Motion from OCR Physics A
Succinct notes on Chapter 5 Work, energy, power from OCR Physics A
Succinct notes from Chapter 7 Laws of motion and momentum from OCR Physics A