OCR • Physics A
Latest uploads for Physics A at OCR. Looking for Physics A notes at OCR? We have lots of notes, study guides and revision notes available for Physics A at OCR.
Modules Physics A at OCR
Notes available for the following courses of Physics A at OCR
- A2 Capacitance 1
- A2 Circular Motion 1
- A2 Electric Fields 1
- A2 Gravitational Fields 1
- A2 Magnetic Fields 1
- A2 Unit G484 - The Newtonian World 5
- A2 Unit G485 - Fields, Particles and Frontiers of Physics H556 11
- A2 Unit G486 - Practical Skills in Physics 2 1
- All modules 4
- All the modules 3
- AS Unit G481 - Mechanics 8
- AS Unit G482 - Electrons, Waves and Photons 12
- Astrophysics and Cosmology 1
- Materials 1
- Medical imaging 1
- Module 3 5
- Module 3: Flashcards 1
- Module 3: Forces and Motion 4
- Module 3: Forces in action 1
- Module 4 5
- Module 4: Electrons, waves and photons 4
- Module 5 5
- Module 5 : Newtonian World and Astrophysics 1
- Module 5: Newtonian World and Astrophysics 3
- Module 6 4
- Module 6 : Particles and Medical Physics 1
- Module 6: Particles and Medical Physics 9
- Motion 1
Popular books OCR • Physics A
Latest notes & summaries OCR • Physics A
A* level physics notes, written by uni of OXFORD offer holder 
Notes written using DIGITAL pen to give HANDWRITTEN feel. 
notes based on OCR A physics gravitational fields. work with all physics boards.
A4 page consisting of post-it notes with past paper questions and answers, that nicely break down revision into clear sections. Mostly includes questions that require key words that are needed in many physics written questions as well as 6 markers. Diagrams included as well.
A4 page consisting of post-it notes with past paper questions and answers, that nicely break down revision into clear sections. Mostly includes questions that require key words that are needed in many physics written questions as well as 6 markers. Diagrams included as well.
A4 page consisting of post-it notes with past paper questions and answers, that nicely break down revision into clear sections. Mostly includes questions that require key words that are needed in many physics written questions as well as 6 markers. Diagrams included as well.
A-Level Physics A H556/01 Modelling physics Mock Practice Revision Paper Mark Scheme intended for students in 2020/2021
A-Level Physics A H556/01 Modelling physics Mock Practice Revision Paper intended for students in 2020/2021
This document provides a summary of damping for year 2 of a-level physics.
This document covers a summary of binary stars, covered in year 2 of a-level physics.
OCR A level physics 2019 paper 1 with the mark scheme. Y o u c a n c o n t a c t m e p r i v a t e l y
Summary of all notes exceptional quality