PEARSON (PEARSON) • English Language 2015
Latest uploads for English Language 2015 at PEARSON (PEARSON). Looking for English Language 2015 notes at PEARSON (PEARSON)? We have lots of notes, study guides and revision notes available for English Language 2015 at PEARSON (PEARSON).
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Latest notes & summaries PEARSON (PEARSON) • English Language 2015
Test your English Language knowledge with these quick-fire questions that will help break up long periods of revision and get you prepared just before the exam! The questions are divided up into each of the three papers: Language Variation, Child Language and Language Investigation: Gender Study and sub-categorized by the linguistic levels: discourse, pragmatics, phonology, lexis and semantics, grammar (syntax and morphology) and graphology.
This revision guide contains all the key terminology, concepts, methods, ideas and theorists you will need to achieve an A* grade at A Level in English Language for the Language Variation paper (Paper 1). 

It includes a breakdown of each section of the paper, highlighting the key elements against the assessment criteria. Therefore, all of the information that is included in this revision guide is targetted exactly to the mark scheme and assessment objectives. Furthermore, the revision material ...